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5 months ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Package: mininet
Test creation and pings for topologies with link and/or CPU options."""
import unittest
import sys
from functools import partial
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import OVSSwitch, UserSwitch, IVSSwitch
from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
from import TCLink
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.util import quietRun
from mininet.clean import cleanup
# Number of hosts for each test
N = 2
class SingleSwitchOptionsTopo(Topo):
"Single switch connected to n hosts."
def __init__(self, n=2, hopts=None, lopts=None):
if not hopts:
hopts = {}
if not lopts:
lopts = {}
Topo.__init__(self, hopts=hopts, lopts=lopts)
switch = self.addSwitch('s1')
for h in range(n):
host = self.addHost('h%s' % (h + 1))
self.addLink(host, switch)
# Tell pylint not to complain about calls to other class
# pylint: disable=E1101
class testOptionsTopoCommon( object ):
"""Verify ability to create networks with host and link options
(common code)."""
switchClass = None # overridden in subclasses
def tearDown():
"Clean up if necessary"
if sys.exc_info() != ( None, None, None ):
def runOptionsTopoTest( self, n, msg, hopts=None, lopts=None ):
"Generic topology-with-options test runner."
mn = Mininet( topo=SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=n, hopts=hopts,
lopts=lopts ),
host=CPULimitedHost, link=TCLink,
switch=self.switchClass, waitConnected=True )
dropped = )
hoptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in hopts.items() )
loptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in lopts.items() )
msg += ( '%s%% of pings were dropped during\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'hopts = %s\n'
'lopts = %s\n'
'host = CPULimitedHost\n'
'link = TCLink\n'
'Switch = %s\n'
% ( dropped, n, hoptsStr, loptsStr, self.switchClass ) )
self.assertEqual( dropped, 0, msg=msg )
def assertWithinTolerance( self, measured, expected, tolerance_frac, msg ):
"""Check that a given value is within a tolerance of expected
tolerance_frac: less-than-1.0 value; 0.8 would yield 20% tolerance.
upperBound = ( float( expected ) + ( 1 - tolerance_frac ) *
float( expected ) )
lowerBound = float( expected ) * tolerance_frac
info = ( 'measured value is out of bounds\n'
'expected value: %s\n'
'measured value: %s\n'
'failure tolerance: %s\n'
'upper bound: %s\n'
'lower bound: %s\n'
% ( expected, measured, tolerance_frac,
upperBound, lowerBound ) )
msg += info
self.assertGreaterEqual( float( measured ), lowerBound, msg=msg )
self.assertLessEqual( float( measured ), upperBound, msg=msg )
def testCPULimits( self ):
"Verify topology creation with CPU limits set for both schedulers."
CPU_TOLERANCE = 0.8 # CPU fraction below which test should fail
hopts = { 'cpu': CPU_FRACTION }
# self.runOptionsTopoTest( N, hopts=hopts )
mn = Mininet( SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=N, hopts=hopts ),
host=CPULimitedHost, switch=self.switchClass,
waitConnected=True )
results = mn.runCpuLimitTest( cpu=CPU_FRACTION )
hostUsage = '\n'.join( 'h%s: %s' %
( n + 1,
results[ (n - 1) * 5 : (n * 5) - 1 ] )
for n in range( N ) )
hoptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in hopts.items() )
msg = ( '\nTesting cpu limited to %d%% of cpu per host\n'
'cpu usage percent per host:\n%s\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'hopts = %s\n'
'host = CPULimitedHost\n'
'Switch = %s\n'
% ( CPU_FRACTION * 100, hostUsage, N, hoptsStr,
self.switchClass ) )
for pct in results:
# divide cpu by 100 to convert from percentage to fraction
self.assertWithinTolerance( pct/100, CPU_FRACTION,
def testLinkBandwidth( self ):
"Verify that link bandwidths are accurate within a bound."
if self.switchClass is UserSwitch:
self.skipTest( 'UserSwitch has very poor performance -'
' skipping for now' )
BW = 5 # Mbps
BW_TOLERANCE = 0.8 # BW fraction below which test should fail
# Verify ability to create limited-link topo first;
lopts = { 'bw': BW, 'use_htb': True }
# Also verify correctness of limit limiting within a bound.
mn = Mininet( SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=N, lopts=lopts ),
link=TCLink, switch=self.switchClass,
waitConnected=True )
bw_strs = mn.iperf, fmt='m' )
loptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in lopts.items() )
msg = ( '\nTesting link bandwidth limited to %d Mbps per link\n'
'iperf results[ client, server ]: %s\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'Link = TCLink\n'
'lopts = %s\n'
'host = default\n'
'switch = %s\n'
% ( BW, bw_strs, N, loptsStr, self.switchClass ) )
# On the client side, iperf doesn't wait for ACKs - it simply
# reports how long it took to fill up the TCP send buffer.
# As long as the kernel doesn't wait a long time before
# delivering bytes to the iperf server, its reported data rate
# should be close to the actual receive rate.
serverRate, _clientRate = bw_strs
bw = float( serverRate.split(' ')[0] )
self.assertWithinTolerance( bw, BW, BW_TOLERANCE, msg )
def testLinkDelay( self ):
"Verify that link delays are accurate within a bound."
DELAY_TOLERANCE = 0.8 # Delay fraction below which test should fail
REPS = 3
lopts = { 'delay': '%sms' % DELAY_MS, 'use_htb': True }
mn = Mininet( SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=N, lopts=lopts ),
link=TCLink, switch=self.switchClass, autoStaticArp=True,
waitConnected=True )
for _ in range( REPS ):
ping_delays = mn.pingFull()
test_outputs = ping_delays[0]
# Ignore unused variables below
# pylint: disable=W0612
node, dest, ping_outputs = test_outputs
sent, received, rttmin, rttavg, rttmax, rttdev = ping_outputs
pingFailMsg = 'sent %s pings, only received %s' % ( sent, received )
self.assertEqual( sent, received, msg=pingFailMsg )
# pylint: enable=W0612
loptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in lopts.items() )
msg = ( '\nTesting Link Delay of %s ms\n'
'ping results across 4 links:\n'
'(Sent, Received, rttmin, rttavg, rttmax, rttdev)\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'Link = TCLink\n'
'lopts = %s\n'
'host = default'
'switch = %s\n'
% ( DELAY_MS, ping_outputs, N, loptsStr, self.switchClass ) )
for rttval in [rttmin, rttavg, rttmax]:
# Multiply delay by 4 to cover there & back on two links
self.assertWithinTolerance( rttval, DELAY_MS * 4.0,
def testLinkLoss( self ):
"Verify that we see packet drops with a high configured loss rate."
REPS = 1
lopts = { 'loss': LOSS_PERCENT, 'use_htb': True }
mn = Mininet( topo=SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=N, lopts=lopts ),
host=CPULimitedHost, link=TCLink,
waitConnected=True )
# Drops are probabilistic, but the chance of no dropped packets is
# 1 in 100 million with 4 hops for a link w/99% loss.
dropped_total = 0
for _ in range(REPS):
dropped_total +='1')
loptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in lopts.items() )
msg = ( '\nTesting packet loss with %d%% loss rate\n'
'number of dropped pings during %s\n'
'expected number of dropped packets: 1\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'Link = TCLink\n'
'lopts = %s\n'
'host = default\n'
'switch = %s\n'
% ( LOSS_PERCENT, dropped_total, N, loptsStr,
self.switchClass ) )
self.assertGreater( dropped_total, 0, msg )
def testMostOptions( self ):
"Verify topology creation with most link options and CPU limits."
lopts = { 'bw': 10, 'delay': '5ms', 'use_htb': True }
hopts = { 'cpu': 0.5 / N }
msg = '\nTesting many cpu and link options\n'
self.runOptionsTopoTest( N, msg, hopts=hopts, lopts=lopts )
# pylint: enable=E1101
class testOptionsTopoOVSKernel( testOptionsTopoCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"""Verify ability to create networks with host and link options
(OVS kernel switch)."""
longMessage = True
switchClass = OVSSwitch
@unittest.skip( 'Skipping OVS user switch test for now' )
class testOptionsTopoOVSUser( testOptionsTopoCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"""Verify ability to create networks with host and link options
(OVS user switch)."""
longMessage = True
switchClass = partial( OVSSwitch, datapath='user' )
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ivs-ctl' ), 'IVS is not installed' )
class testOptionsTopoIVS( testOptionsTopoCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Verify ability to create networks with host and link options (IVS)."
longMessage = True
switchClass = IVSSwitch
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ofprotocol' ),
'Reference user switch is not installed' )
class testOptionsTopoUserspace( testOptionsTopoCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"""Verify ability to create networks with host and link options
longMessage = True
switchClass = UserSwitch
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'warning' )