#!/usr/bin/env python """ Tests for the Mininet Walkthrough TODO: missing xterm test """ import os import re import unittest from sys import stdout from mininet.util import quietRun, pexpect, StrictVersion from mininet.clean import cleanup def tsharkVersion(): "Return tshark version" versionStr = quietRun( 'tshark -v' ) versionMatch = re.findall( r'TShark[^\d]*(\d+.\d+.\d+)', versionStr ) return versionMatch[ 0 ] # pylint doesn't understand pexpect.match, unfortunately! # pylint:disable=maybe-no-member class testWalkthrough( unittest.TestCase ): "Test Mininet walkthrough" prompt = 'mininet>' @staticmethod def setup(): "Be paranoid and run cleanup() before each test" cleanup() # PART 1 def testHelp( self ): "Check the usage message" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -h' ) index = p.expect( [ 'Usage: mn', pexpect.EOF ] ) self.assertEqual( index, 0 ) def testWireshark( self ): "Use tshark to test the of dissector" # Satisfy pylint assert self if StrictVersion( tsharkVersion() ) < StrictVersion( '1.12.0' ): tshark = pexpect.spawn( 'tshark -i lo -R of' ) else: tshark = pexpect.spawn( 'tshark -i lo -Y openflow_v1' ) tshark.expect( [ 'Capturing on lo', "Capturing on 'Loopback" ] ) mn = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test pingall' ) mn.expect( '0% dropped' ) tshark.expect( [ '74 Hello', '74 of_hello', '74 Type: OFPT_HELLO' ] ) tshark.sendintr() mn.expect( pexpect.EOF ) tshark.expect( 'aptured' ) # 'xx packets captured' tshark.expect( pexpect.EOF ) def testBasic( self ): "Test basic CLI commands (help, nodes, net, dump)" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) # help command p.sendline( 'help' ) index = p.expect( [ 'commands', self.prompt ] ) self.assertEqual( index, 0, 'No output for "help" command') # nodes command p.sendline( 'nodes' ) p.expect( r'([chs]\d ?){4}' ) nodes = p.match.group( 0 ).split() self.assertEqual( len( nodes ), 4, 'No nodes in "nodes" command') p.expect( self.prompt ) # net command p.sendline( 'net' ) expected = list( nodes ) while len( expected ) > 0: index = p.expect( expected ) node = p.match.group( 0 ) expected.remove( node ) p.expect( '\n' ) self.assertEqual( len( expected ), 0, '"nodes" and "net" differ') p.expect( self.prompt ) # dump command p.sendline( 'dump' ) expected = [ r'<\w+ (%s)' % n for n in nodes ] actual = [] for _ in nodes: index = p.expect( expected ) node = p.match.group( 1 ) actual.append( node ) p.expect( '\n' ) self.assertEqual( actual.sort(), nodes.sort(), '"nodes" and "dump" differ' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() def testHostCommands( self ): "Test ifconfig and ps on h1 and s1" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) # Third pattern is a local interface beginning with 'eth' or 'en' interfaces = [ r'h1-eth0[:\s]', r's1-eth1[:\s]', r'[^-](eth|en)\w*\d[:\s]', r'lo[:\s]', self.prompt ] # h1 ifconfig p.sendline( 'h1 ifconfig -a' ) ifcount = 0 while True: index = p.expect( interfaces ) if index in (0, 3): ifcount += 1 elif index == 1: self.fail( 's1 interface displayed in "h1 ifconfig"' ) elif index == 2: self.fail( 'eth0 displayed in "h1 ifconfig"' ) else: break self.assertEqual( ifcount, 2, 'Missing interfaces on h1') # s1 ifconfig p.sendline( 's1 ifconfig -a' ) ifcount = 0 while True: index = p.expect( interfaces ) if index == 0: self.fail( 'h1 interface displayed in "s1 ifconfig"' ) elif index in (1, 2, 3): ifcount += 1 else: break self.assertTrue( ifcount >= 3, 'Missing interfaces on s1') # h1 ps p.sendline( "h1 ps -a | egrep -v 'ps|grep'" ) p.expect( self.prompt ) h1Output = p.before # s1 ps p.sendline( "s1 ps -a | egrep -v 'ps|grep'" ) p.expect( self.prompt ) s1Output = p.before # strip command from ps output and compute diffs h1Output = h1Output.split( '\n' )[ 1: ] s1Output = s1Output.split( '\n' )[ 1: ] diffs = set( h1Output ).difference( set( s1Output ) ) # allow up to two diffs to account for daemons, etc. self.assertTrue( len( diffs ) <= 2, 'h1 and s1 "ps" output differ too much: %s' % diffs ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() def testConnectivity( self ): "Test ping and pingall" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'h1 ping -c 1 h2' ) p.expect( '1 packets transmitted, 1 received' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'pingall' ) p.expect( '0% dropped' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() def testSimpleHTTP( self ): "Start an HTTP server on h1 and wget from h2" if 'Python 2' in quietRun( 'python --version' ): httpserver = 'SimpleHTTPServer' else: httpserver = 'http.server' p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w', logfile=stdout ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'h1 python -m %s 80 >& /dev/null &' % httpserver ) p.expect( self.prompt ) # The walkthrough doesn't specify a delay here, and # we also don't read the output (also a possible problem), # but for now let's wait a number of seconds to make # it less likely to fail due to the race condition. p.sendline( 'px from mininet.util import waitListening;' 'waitListening(h1, port=80, timeout=30)' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( ' h2 wget -O - h1' ) p.expect( '200 OK' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'h1 kill %python' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() # PART 2 def testRegressionRun( self ): "Test pingpair (0% drop) and iperf (bw > 0) regression tests" # test pingpair p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test pingpair' ) p.expect( '0% dropped' ) p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) # test iperf p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test iperf' ) p.expect( r"Results: \['([\d\.]+) .bits/sec'," ) bw = float( p.match.group( 1 ) ) self.assertTrue( bw > 0 ) p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) def testTopoChange( self ): "Test pingall on single,3 and linear,4 topos" # testing single,3 p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test pingall --topo single,3' ) p.expect( r'(\d+)/(\d+) received') received = int( p.match.group( 1 ) ) sent = int( p.match.group( 2 ) ) self.assertEqual( sent, 6, 'Wrong number of pings sent in single,3' ) self.assertEqual( sent, received, 'Dropped packets in single,3') p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) # testing linear,4 p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test pingall --topo linear,4' ) p.expect( r'(\d+)/(\d+) received') received = int( p.match.group( 1 ) ) sent = int( p.match.group( 2 ) ) self.assertEqual( sent, 12, 'Wrong number of pings sent in linear,4' ) self.assertEqual( sent, received, 'Dropped packets in linear,4') p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) def testLinkChange( self ): "Test TCLink bw and delay" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w --link tc,bw=10,delay=10ms' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'h1 route && ping -c1 h2' ) # test bw p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'iperf' ) p.expect( r"Results: \['([\d\.]+) Mbits/sec'," ) bw = float( p.match.group( 1 ) ) self.assertTrue( bw < 10.1, 'Bandwidth %.2f >= 10.1 Mb/s' % bw ) self.assertTrue( bw > 9.0, 'Bandwidth %.2f <= 9 Mb/s' % bw ) p.expect( self.prompt ) # test delay p.sendline( 'h1 ping -c 4 h2' ) p.expect( r'rtt min/avg/max/mdev = ' r'([\d\.]+)/([\d\.]+)/([\d\.]+)/([\d\.]+) ms' ) delay = float( p.match.group( 2 ) ) self.assertTrue( delay >= 40, 'Delay < 40ms' ) self.assertTrue( delay <= 50, 'Delay > 50ms' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() def testVerbosity( self ): "Test debug and output verbosity" # test output p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -v output' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) self.assertEqual( len( p.before ), 0, 'Too much output for "output"' ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() # test debug p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -v debug --test none' ) p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) lines = p.before.split( '\n' ) self.assertTrue( len( lines ) > 70, "Debug output is too short" ) def testCustomTopo( self ): "Start Mininet using a custom topo, then run pingall" # Satisfy pylint assert self custom = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) ) custom = os.path.join( custom, '../../custom/topo-2sw-2host.py' ) custom = os.path.normpath( custom ) p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --custom %s --topo mytopo --test pingall' % custom ) p.expect( '0% dropped' ) p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) def testStaticMAC( self ): "Verify that MACs are set to easy to read numbers" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --mac' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) for i in range( 1, 3 ): p.sendline( 'h%d ifconfig' % i ) p.expect( r'\s00:00:00:00:00:0%d\s' % i ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) def testSwitches( self ): "Run iperf test using user and ovsk switches" switches = [ 'user', 'ovsk' ] for sw in switches: p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --switch %s --test iperf' % sw ) p.expect( r"Results: \['([\d\.]+) .bits/sec'," ) bw = float( p.match.group( 1 ) ) self.assertTrue( bw > 0 ) p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) def testBenchmark( self ): "Run benchmark and verify that it takes less than 2 seconds" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test none' ) p.expect( r'completed in ([\d\.]+) seconds' ) time = float( p.match.group( 1 ) ) self.assertTrue( time < 2, 'Benchmark takes more than 2 seconds' ) def testOwnNamespace( self ): "Test running user switch in its own namespace" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --innamespace --switch user' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) interfaces = [ r'h1-eth0[:\s]', r's1-eth1[:\s]', r'[^-](eth|en)\w*\d[:\s]', r'lo[:\s]', self.prompt ] p.sendline( 's1 ifconfig -a' ) ifcount = 0 while True: index = p.expect( interfaces ) if index in (1, 3): ifcount += 1 elif index == 0: self.fail( 'h1 interface displayed in "s1 ifconfig"' ) elif index == 2: self.fail( 'eth0 displayed in "s1 ifconfig"' ) else: break self.assertEqual( ifcount, 2, 'Missing interfaces on s1' ) # verify that all hosts a reachable p.sendline( 'pingall' ) p.expect( r'(\d+)% dropped' ) dropped = int( p.match.group( 1 ) ) self.assertEqual( dropped, 0, 'pingall failed') p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() # PART 3 def testPythonInterpreter( self ): "Test py and px by checking IP for h1 and adding h3" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) # test host IP p.sendline( 'py h1.IP()' ) p.expect( '' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) # test adding host p.sendline( "px net.addHost('h3')" ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( "px net.addLink(s1, h3)" ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'net' ) p.expect( 'h3' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'py h3.MAC()' ) p.expect( '([a-f0-9]{2}:?){6}' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() def testLink( self ): "Test link CLI command using ping" p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'link s1 h1 down' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'h1 ping -c 1 h2' ) p.expect( 'unreachable' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'link s1 h1 up' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'h1 ping -c 1 h2' ) p.expect( '0% packet loss' ) p.expect( self.prompt ) p.sendline( 'exit' ) p.wait() @unittest.skipUnless( os.path.exists( '/tmp/pox' ) or '1 received' in quietRun( 'ping -c 1 github.com' ), 'Github is not reachable; cannot download Pox' ) def testRemoteController( self ): "Test Mininet using Pox controller" # Satisfy pylint assert self if not os.path.exists( '/tmp/pox' ): p = pexpect.spawn( 'git clone https://github.com/noxrepo/pox.git /tmp/pox' ) p.expect( pexpect.EOF ) pox = pexpect.spawn( '/tmp/pox/pox.py forwarding.l2_learning' ) net = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6633 --test pingall' ) net.expect( '0% dropped' ) net.expect( pexpect.EOF ) pox.sendintr() pox.wait() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()