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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""@package topo
Network topology creation.
@author Brandon Heller (
This package includes code to represent network topologies.
A Topo object can be a topology database for NOX, can represent a physical
setup for testing, and can even be emulated with the Mininet package.
from mininet.util import irange, natural, naturalSeq
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
class MultiGraph( object ):
"Utility class to track nodes and edges - replaces networkx.MultiGraph"
def __init__( self ):
self.node = {}
self.edge = {}
def add_node( self, node, attr_dict=None, **attrs):
"""Add node to graph
attr_dict: attribute dict (optional)
attrs: more attributes (optional)
warning: updates attr_dict with attrs"""
attr_dict = {} if attr_dict is None else attr_dict
attr_dict.update( attrs )
self.node[ node ] = attr_dict
def add_edge( self, src, dst, key=None, attr_dict=None, **attrs ):
"""Add edge to graph
key: optional key
attr_dict: optional attribute dict
attrs: more attributes
warning: updates attr_dict with attrs"""
attr_dict = {} if attr_dict is None else attr_dict
attr_dict.update( attrs )
self.node.setdefault( src, {} )
self.node.setdefault( dst, {} )
self.edge.setdefault( src, {} )
self.edge.setdefault( dst, {} )
self.edge[ src ].setdefault( dst, {} )
entry = self.edge[ dst ][ src ] = self.edge[ src ][ dst ]
# If no key, pick next ordinal number
if key is None:
keys = [ k for k in entry.keys() if isinstance( k, int ) ]
key = max( [ 0 ] + keys ) + 1
entry[ key ] = attr_dict
return key
def nodes( self, data=False):
"""Return list of graph nodes
data: return list of ( node, attrs)"""
return self.node.items() if data else self.node.keys()
def edges_iter( self, data=False, keys=False ):
"Iterator: return graph edges, optionally with data and keys"
for src, entry in self.edge.items():
for dst, entrykeys in entry.items():
if src > dst:
# Skip duplicate edges
for k, attrs in entrykeys.items():
if data:
if keys:
yield( src, dst, k, attrs )
yield( src, dst, attrs )
if keys:
yield( src, dst, k )
yield( src, dst )
def edges( self, data=False, keys=False ):
"Return list of graph edges"
return list( self.edges_iter( data=data, keys=keys ) )
def __getitem__( self, node ):
"Return link dict for given src node"
return self.edge[ node ]
def __len__( self ):
"Return the number of nodes"
return len( self.node )
def convertTo( self, cls, data=False, keys=False ):
"""Convert to a new object of networkx.MultiGraph-like class cls
data: include node and edge data
keys: include edge keys as well as edge data"""
g = cls()
g.add_nodes_from( self.nodes( data=data ) )
g.add_edges_from( self.edges( data=( data or keys ), keys=keys ) )
return g
class Topo( object ):
"Data center network representation for structured multi-trees."
def __init__( self, *args, **params ):
"""Topo object.
Optional named parameters:
hinfo: default host options
sopts: default switch options
lopts: default link options
calls build()"""
self.g = MultiGraph()
self.hopts = params.pop( 'hopts', {} )
self.sopts = params.pop( 'sopts', {} )
self.lopts = params.pop( 'lopts', {} )
# ports[src][dst][sport] is port on dst that connects to src
self.ports = {} *args, **params )
def build( self, *args, **params ):
"Override this method to build your topology."
def addNode( self, name, **opts ):
"""Add Node to graph.
name: name
opts: node options
returns: node name"""
self.g.add_node( name, **opts )
return name
def addHost( self, name, **opts ):
"""Convenience method: Add host to graph.
name: host name
opts: host options
returns: host name"""
if not opts and self.hopts:
opts = self.hopts
return self.addNode( name, **opts )
def addSwitch( self, name, **opts ):
"""Convenience method: Add switch to graph.
name: switch name
opts: switch options
returns: switch name"""
if not opts and self.sopts:
opts = self.sopts
result = self.addNode( name, isSwitch=True, **opts )
return result
def addLink( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
key=None, **opts ):
"""node1, node2: nodes to link together
port1, port2: ports (optional)
opts: link options (optional)
returns: link info key"""
if not opts and self.lopts:
opts = self.lopts
port1, port2 = self.addPort( node1, node2, port1, port2 )
opts = dict( opts )
opts.update( node1=node1, node2=node2, port1=port1, port2=port2 )
return self.g.add_edge(node1, node2, key, opts )
def nodes( self, sort=True ):
"Return nodes in graph"
if sort:
return self.sorted( self.g.nodes() )
return self.g.nodes()
def isSwitch( self, n ):
"Returns true if node is a switch."
return self.g.node[ n ].get( 'isSwitch', False )
def switches( self, sort=True ):
"""Return switches.
sort: sort switches alphabetically
returns: dpids list of dpids"""
return [ n for n in self.nodes( sort ) if self.isSwitch( n ) ]
def hosts( self, sort=True ):
"""Return hosts.
sort: sort hosts alphabetically
returns: list of hosts"""
return [ n for n in self.nodes( sort ) if not self.isSwitch( n ) ]
def iterLinks( self, withKeys=False, withInfo=False ):
"""Return links (iterator)
withKeys: return link keys
withInfo: return link info
returns: list of ( src, dst [,key, info ] )"""
for _src, _dst, key, info in self.g.edges_iter( data=True, keys=True ):
node1, node2 = info[ 'node1' ], info[ 'node2' ]
if withKeys:
if withInfo:
yield( node1, node2, key, info )
yield( node1, node2, key )
if withInfo:
yield( node1, node2, info )
yield( node1, node2 )
def links( self, sort=False, withKeys=False, withInfo=False ):
"""Return links
sort: sort links alphabetically, preserving (src, dst) order
withKeys: return link keys
withInfo: return link info
returns: list of ( src, dst [,key, info ] )"""
links = list( self.iterLinks( withKeys, withInfo ) )
if not sort:
return links
# Ignore info when sorting
tupleSize = 3 if withKeys else 2
return sorted( links, key=( lambda l: naturalSeq( l[ :tupleSize ] ) ) )
# This legacy port management mechanism is clunky and will probably
# be removed at some point.
def addPort( self, src, dst, sport=None, dport=None ):
"""Generate port mapping for new edge.
src: source switch name
dst: destination switch name"""
# Initialize if necessary
ports = self.ports
ports.setdefault( src, {} )
ports.setdefault( dst, {} )
# New port: number of outlinks + base
if sport is None:
src_base = 1 if self.isSwitch( src ) else 0
sport = len( ports[ src ] ) + src_base
if dport is None:
dst_base = 1 if self.isSwitch( dst ) else 0
dport = len( ports[ dst ] ) + dst_base
ports[ src ][ sport ] = ( dst, dport )
ports[ dst ][ dport ] = ( src, sport )
return sport, dport
def port( self, src, dst ):
"""Get port numbers.
src: source switch name
dst: destination switch name
sport: optional source port (otherwise use lowest src port)
returns: tuple (sport, dport), where
sport = port on source switch leading to the destination switch
dport = port on destination switch leading to the source switch
Note that you can also look up ports using linkInfo()"""
# A bit ugly and slow vs. single-link implementation ;-(
ports = [ ( sport, entry[ 1 ] )
for sport, entry in self.ports[ src ].items()
if entry[ 0 ] == dst ]
return ports if len( ports ) != 1 else ports[ 0 ]
def _linkEntry( self, src, dst, key=None ):
"Helper function: return link entry and key"
entry = self.g[ src ][ dst ]
if key is None:
key = min( entry )
return entry, key
def linkInfo( self, src, dst, key=None ):
"Return link metadata dict"
entry, key = self._linkEntry( src, dst, key )
return entry[ key ]
def setlinkInfo( self, src, dst, info, key=None ):
"Set link metadata dict"
entry, key = self._linkEntry( src, dst, key )
entry[ key ] = info
def nodeInfo( self, name ):
"Return metadata (dict) for node"
return self.g.node[ name ]
def setNodeInfo( self, name, info ):
"Set metadata (dict) for node"
self.g.node[ name ] = info
def convertTo( self, cls, data=True, keys=True ):
"""Convert to a new object of networkx.MultiGraph-like class cls
data: include node and edge data (default True)
keys: include edge keys as well as edge data (default True)"""
return self.g.convertTo( cls, data=data, keys=keys )
def sorted( items ):
"Items sorted in natural (i.e. alphabetical) order"
return sorted( items, key=natural )
# Our idiom defines additional parameters in build(param...)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
class SingleSwitchTopo( Topo ):
"Single switch connected to k hosts."
def build( self, k=2, **_opts ):
"k: number of hosts"
self.k = k
switch = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
for h in irange( 1, k ):
host = self.addHost( 'h%s' % h )
self.addLink( host, switch )
class SingleSwitchReversedTopo( Topo ):
"""Single switch connected to k hosts, with reversed ports.
The lowest-numbered host is connected to the highest-numbered port.
Useful to verify that Mininet properly handles custom port
def build( self, k=2 ):
"k: number of hosts"
self.k = k
switch = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
for h in irange( 1, k ):
host = self.addHost( 'h%s' % h )
self.addLink( host, switch,
port1=0, port2=( k - h + 1 ) )
class MinimalTopo( SingleSwitchTopo ):
"Minimal topology with two hosts and one switch"
def build( self ):
return self, k=2 )
class LinearTopo( Topo ):
"Linear topology of k switches, with n hosts per switch."
def build( self, k=2, n=1, **_opts):
"""k: number of switches
n: number of hosts per switch"""
self.k = k
self.n = n
if n == 1:
def genHostName( i, _j ):
return 'h%s' % i
def genHostName( i, j ):
return 'h%ss%d' % ( j, i )
lastSwitch = None
for i in irange( 1, k ):
# Add switch
switch = self.addSwitch( 's%s' % i )
# Add hosts to switch
for j in irange( 1, n ):
host = self.addHost( genHostName( i, j ) )
self.addLink( host, switch )
# Connect switch to previous
if lastSwitch:
self.addLink( switch, lastSwitch )
lastSwitch = switch
# pylint: enable=arguments-differ