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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Package: mininet
Regression tests for switch dpid assignment."""
import unittest
import sys
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import Host, Controller
from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.util import quietRun
from mininet.clean import cleanup
class TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS( unittest.TestCase ):
"Verify Switch dpid assignment."
switchClass = OVSSwitch # overridden in subclasses
def tearDown( self ):
"Clean up if necessary"
# satisfy pylint
assert self
if sys.exc_info() != ( None, None, None ):
def testDefaultDpid( self ):
"""Verify that the default dpid is assigned using a valid provided
canonical switchname if no dpid is passed in switch creation."""
net = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller )
switch = net.addSwitch( 's1' )
self.assertEqual( switch.defaultDpid(), switch.dpid )
def dpidFrom( self, num ):
"Compute default dpid from number"
fmt = ( '%0' + str( self.switchClass.dpidLen ) + 'x' )
return fmt % num
def testActualDpidAssignment( self ):
"""Verify that Switch dpid is the actual dpid assigned if dpid is
passed in switch creation."""
dpid = self.dpidFrom( 0xABCD )
net = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller )
switch = net.addSwitch( 's1', dpid=dpid )
self.assertEqual( switch.dpid, dpid )
def testDefaultDpidAssignmentFailure( self ):
"""Verify that Default dpid assignment raises an Exception if the
name of the switch does not contain a digit. Also verify the
exception message."""
net = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller )
with self.assertRaises( Exception ) as raises_cm:
net.addSwitch( 'A' )
self.assertTrue( 'Unable to derive '
'default datapath ID - please either specify a dpid '
'or use a canonical switch name such as s23.'
in str( raises_cm.exception ) )
def testDefaultDpidLen( self ):
"""Verify that Default dpid length is 16 characters consisting of
16 - len(hex of first string of contiguous digits passed in switch
name) 0's followed by hex of first string of contiguous digits passed
in switch name."""
net = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller )
switch = net.addSwitch( 's123' )
self.assertEqual( switch.dpid, self.dpidFrom( 123 ) )
class OVSUser( OVSSwitch):
"OVS User Switch convenience class"
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
kwargs.update( datapath='user' )
OVSSwitch.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
class testSwitchOVSUser( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
"Test dpid assignment of OVS User Switch."
switchClass = OVSUser
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ivs-ctl' ),
'IVS switch is not installed' )
class testSwitchIVS( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
"Test dpid assignment of IVS switch."
switchClass = IVSSwitch
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ofprotocol' ),
'Reference user switch is not installed' )
class testSwitchUserspace( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
"Test dpid assignment of Userspace switch."
switchClass = UserSwitch
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'warning' )