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"Utility functions for Mininet."
import codecs
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from fcntl import fcntl, F_GETFL, F_SETFL
from functools import partial
from os import O_NONBLOCK
from resource import getrlimit, setrlimit, RLIMIT_NPROC, RLIMIT_NOFILE
from select import poll, POLLIN, POLLHUP
from subprocess import call, check_call, Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from sys import exit # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from time import sleep
from mininet.log import output, info, error, warn, debug
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# Python 2/3 compatibility
Python3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
BaseString = str if Python3 else getattr( str, '__base__' )
Encoding = 'utf-8' if Python3 else None
class NullCodec( object ):
"Null codec for Python 2"
def decode( buf ):
"Null decode"
return buf
def encode( buf ):
"Null encode"
return buf
if Python3:
def decode( buf ):
"Decode buffer for Python 3"
return buf.decode( Encoding )
def encode( buf ):
"Encode buffer for Python 3"
return buf.encode( Encoding )
getincrementaldecoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder( Encoding )
decode, encode = NullCodec.decode, NullCodec.encode
def getincrementaldecoder():
"Return null codec for Python 2"
return NullCodec
import packaging.version # replacement for distutils.version
StrictVersion = packaging.version.parse
except ImportError: # python2.7 lacks ModuleNotFoundError
import distutils.version # pylint: disable=deprecated-module
StrictVersion = distutils.version.StrictVersion
oldpexpect = None
import pexpect as oldpexpect # pylint: disable=import-error
class Pexpect( object ):
"Custom pexpect that is compatible with str"
def spawn( *args, **kwargs):
"pexpect.spawn that is compatible with str"
if Python3 and 'encoding' not in kwargs:
kwargs.update( encoding='utf-8' )
return oldpexpect.spawn( *args, **kwargs )
def __getattr__( self, name ):
return getattr( oldpexpect, name )
pexpect = Pexpect()
except ImportError:
# Command execution support
def run( cmd ):
"""Simple interface to
cmd: list of command params"""
return call( cmd.split( ' ' ) )
def checkRun( cmd ):
"""Simple interface to subprocess.check_call()
cmd: list of command params"""
return check_call( cmd.split( ' ' ) )
# pylint doesn't understand explicit type checking
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
def oldQuietRun( *cmd ):
"""Run a command, routing stderr to stdout, and return the output.
cmd: list of command params"""
if len( cmd ) == 1:
cmd = cmd[ 0 ]
if isinstance( cmd, BaseString ):
cmd = cmd.split( ' ' )
out = ''
popen = Popen( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT )
# We can't use Popen.communicate() because it uses
# select(), which can't handle
# high file descriptor numbers! poll() can, however.
readable = poll()
readable.register( popen.stdout )
while True:
while readable.poll():
data = 1024 )
if len( data ) == 0:
out += data
if popen.returncode is not None:
return out
# This is a bit complicated, but it enables us to
# monitor command output as it is happening
CmdResult = namedtuple( 'CmdResult', 'out err ret' )
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
def errRun( *cmd, **kwargs ):
"""Run a command and return stdout, stderr and return code
cmd: string or list of command and args
stderr: STDOUT to merge stderr with stdout
shell: run command using shell
echo: monitor output to console"""
# By default we separate stderr, don't run in a shell, and don't echo
stderr = kwargs.get( 'stderr', PIPE )
shell = kwargs.get( 'shell', False )
echo = kwargs.get( 'echo', False )
if echo:
# cmd goes to stderr, output goes to stdout
info( cmd, '\n' )
if len( cmd ) == 1:
cmd = cmd[ 0 ]
# Allow passing in a list or a string
if isinstance( cmd, BaseString ) and not shell:
cmd = cmd.split( ' ' )
cmd = [ str( arg ) for arg in cmd ]
elif isinstance( cmd, list ) and shell:
cmd = " ".join( arg for arg in cmd )
debug( '*** errRun:', cmd, '\n' )
# pylint: disable=consider-using-with
popen = Popen( cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, shell=shell )
# We use poll() because select() doesn't work with large fd numbers,
# and thus communicate() doesn't work either
out, err = '', ''
poller = poll()
poller.register( popen.stdout, POLLIN )
fdToFile = { popen.stdout.fileno(): popen.stdout }
fdToDecoder = { popen.stdout.fileno(): getincrementaldecoder() }
outDone, errDone = False, True
if popen.stderr:
fdToFile[ popen.stderr.fileno() ] = popen.stderr
fdToDecoder[ popen.stderr.fileno() ] = getincrementaldecoder()
poller.register( popen.stderr, POLLIN )
errDone = False
while not outDone or not errDone:
readable = poller.poll()
for fd, event in readable:
f = fdToFile[ fd ]
decoder = fdToDecoder[ fd ]
if event & ( POLLIN | POLLHUP ):
data = decoder.decode( 1024 ) )
if echo:
output( data )
if f == popen.stdout:
out += data
if data == '':
outDone = True
elif f == popen.stderr:
err += data
if data == '':
errDone = True
else: # something unexpected
if f == popen.stdout:
outDone = True
elif f == popen.stderr:
errDone = True
poller.unregister( fd )
returncode = popen.wait()
# Python 3 complains if we don't explicitly close these
if stderr == PIPE:
debug( out, err, returncode )
return CmdResult( out, err, returncode )
# pylint: enable=too-many-branches
def errFail( *cmd, **kwargs ):
"Run a command using errRun and raise exception on nonzero exit"
out, err, ret = errRun( *cmd, **kwargs )
if ret:
raise Exception( "errFail: %s failed with return code %s: %s"
% ( cmd, ret, err ) )
return CmdResult( out, err, ret )
def quietRun( cmd, **kwargs ):
"Run a command and return merged stdout and stderr"
return errRun( cmd, stderr=STDOUT, **kwargs ).out
def which(cmd, **kwargs ):
"Run a command and return merged stdout and stderr"
out, _, ret = errRun( ["which", cmd], stderr=STDOUT, **kwargs )
return out.rstrip() if ret == 0 else None
# pylint: enable=maybe-no-member
def isShellBuiltin( cmd ):
"Return True if cmd is a bash builtin."
if isShellBuiltin.builtIns is None:
isShellBuiltin.builtIns = set(quietRun( 'bash -c enable' ).split())
space = cmd.find( ' ' )
if space > 0:
cmd = cmd[ :space]
return cmd in isShellBuiltin.builtIns
isShellBuiltin.builtIns = None
# Interface management
# Interfaces are managed as strings which are simply the
# interface names, of the form 'nodeN-ethM'.
# To connect nodes, we create a pair of veth interfaces, and then place them
# in the pair of nodes that we want to communicate. We then update the node's
# list of interfaces and connectivity map.
# For the kernel datapath, switch interfaces
# live in the root namespace and thus do not have to be
# explicitly moved.
def makeIntfPair( intf1, intf2, addr1=None, addr2=None, node1=None, node2=None,
deleteIntfs=True, runCmd=None ):
"""Make a veth pair connnecting new interfaces intf1 and intf2
intf1: name for interface 1
intf2: name for interface 2
addr1: MAC address for interface 1 (optional)
addr2: MAC address for interface 2 (optional)
node1: home node for interface 1 (optional)
node2: home node for interface 2 (optional)
deleteIntfs: delete intfs before creating them
runCmd: function to run shell commands (quietRun)
raises Exception on failure"""
if not runCmd:
runCmd = quietRun if not node1 else node1.cmd
runCmd2 = quietRun if not node2 else node2.cmd
if deleteIntfs:
# Delete any old interfaces with the same names
runCmd( 'ip link del ' + intf1 )
runCmd2( 'ip link del ' + intf2 )
# Create new pair
netns = 1 if not node2 else
if addr1 is None and addr2 is None:
cmdOutput = runCmd( 'ip link add name %s '
'type veth peer name %s '
'netns %s' % ( intf1, intf2, netns ) )
cmdOutput = runCmd( 'ip link add name %s '
'address %s '
'type veth peer name %s '
'address %s '
'netns %s' %
( intf1, addr1, intf2, addr2, netns ) )
if cmdOutput:
raise Exception( "Error creating interface pair (%s,%s): %s " %
( intf1, intf2, cmdOutput ) )
def retry( retries, delaySecs, fn, *args, **keywords ):
"""Try something several times before giving up.
n: number of times to retry
delaySecs: wait this long between tries
fn: function to call
args: args to apply to function call"""
tries = 0
while not fn( *args, **keywords ) and tries < retries:
sleep( delaySecs )
tries += 1
if tries >= retries:
error( "*** gave up after %i retries\n" % tries )
exit( 1 )
def moveIntfNoRetry( intf, dstNode, printError=False ):
"""Move interface to node, without retrying.
intf: string, interface
dstNode: destination Node
printError: if true, print error"""
intf = str( intf )
cmd = 'ip link set %s netns %s' % ( intf, )
cmdOutput = quietRun( cmd )
# If ip link set does not produce any output, then we can assume
# that the link has been moved successfully.
if cmdOutput:
if printError:
error( '*** Error: moveIntf: ' + intf +
' not successfully moved to ' + + ':\n',
cmdOutput )
return False
return True
def moveIntf( intf, dstNode, printError=True,
retries=3, delaySecs=0.001 ):
"""Move interface to node, retrying on failure.
intf: string, interface
dstNode: destination Node
printError: if true, print error"""
retry( retries, delaySecs, moveIntfNoRetry, intf, dstNode,
printError=printError )
# Support for dumping network
def dumpNodeConnections( nodes ):
"Dump connections to/from nodes."
def dumpConnections( node ):
"Helper function: dump connections to node"
for intf in node.intfList():
output( ' %s:' % intf )
intfs = [, ]
intfs.remove( intf )
output( intfs[ 0 ] )
output( ' ' )
for node in nodes:
output( )
dumpConnections( node )
output( '\n' )
def dumpNetConnections( net ):
"Dump connections in network"
nodes = net.controllers + net.switches + net.hosts
dumpNodeConnections( nodes )
def dumpPorts( switches ):
"dump interface to openflow port mappings for each switch"
for switch in switches:
output( '%s ' % )
for intf in switch.intfList():
port = switch.ports[ intf ]
output( '%s:%d ' % ( intf, port ) )
output( '\n' )
# IP and Mac address formatting and parsing
def _colonHex( val, bytecount ):
"""Generate colon-hex string.
val: input as unsigned int
bytecount: number of bytes to convert
returns: chStr colon-hex string"""
pieces = []
for i in range( bytecount - 1, -1, -1 ):
piece = ( ( 0xff << ( i * 8 ) ) & val ) >> ( i * 8 )
pieces.append( '%02x' % piece )
chStr = ':'.join( pieces )
return chStr
def macColonHex( mac ):
"""Generate MAC colon-hex string from unsigned int.
mac: MAC address as unsigned int
returns: macStr MAC colon-hex string"""
return _colonHex( mac, 6 )
def ipStr( ip ):
"""Generate IP address string from an unsigned int.
ip: unsigned int of form w << 24 | x << 16 | y << 8 | z
returns: ip address string w.x.y.z"""
w = ( ip >> 24 ) & 0xff
x = ( ip >> 16 ) & 0xff
y = ( ip >> 8 ) & 0xff
z = ip & 0xff
return "%i.%i.%i.%i" % ( w, x, y, z )
def ipNum( w, x, y, z ):
"""Generate unsigned int from components of IP address
returns: w << 24 | x << 16 | y << 8 | z"""
return ( w << 24 ) | ( x << 16 ) | ( y << 8 ) | z
def ipAdd( i, prefixLen=8, ipBaseNum=0x0a000000 ):
"""Return IP address string from ints
i: int to be added to ipbase
prefixLen: optional IP prefix length
ipBaseNum: option base IP address as int
returns IP address as string"""
imax = 0xffffffff >> prefixLen
assert i <= imax, 'Not enough IP addresses in the subnet'
mask = 0xffffffff ^ imax
ipnum = ( ipBaseNum & mask ) + i
return ipStr( ipnum )
def ipParse( ip ):
"Parse an IP address and return an unsigned int."
args = [ int( arg ) for arg in ip.split( '.' ) ]
while len(args) < 4:
args.insert( len(args) - 1, 0 )
return ipNum( *args )
def netParse( ipstr ):
"""Parse an IP network specification, returning
address and prefix len as unsigned ints"""
prefixLen = 0
if '/' in ipstr:
ip, pf = ipstr.split( '/' )
prefixLen = int( pf )
# if no prefix is specified, set the prefix to 24
ip = ipstr
prefixLen = 24
return ipParse( ip ), prefixLen
def checkInt( s ):
"Check if input string is an int"
int( s )
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def checkFloat( s ):
"Check if input string is a float"
float( s )
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def makeNumeric( s ):
"Convert string to int or float if numeric."
if checkInt( s ):
return int( s )
elif checkFloat( s ):
return float( s )
return s
# Popen support
def pmonitor(popens, timeoutms=500, readline=True,
readmax=1024 ):
"""Monitor dict of hosts to popen objects
a line at a time
timeoutms: timeout for poll()
readline: return single line of output
yields: host, line/output (if any)
terminates: when all EOFs received"""
poller = poll()
fdToHost = {}
fdToDecoder = {}
for host, popen in popens.items():
fd = popen.stdout.fileno()
fdToHost[ fd ] = host
fdToDecoder[ fd ] = getincrementaldecoder()
poller.register( fd, POLLIN )
flags = fcntl( fd, F_GETFL )
fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK )
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
while popens:
fds = poller.poll( timeoutms )
if fds:
for fd, event in fds:
host = fdToHost[ fd ]
decoder = fdToDecoder[ fd ]
popen = popens[ host ]
if event & ( POLLIN | POLLHUP ):
while True:
f = popen.stdout
line = decoder.decode( f.readline() if readline
else readmax ) )
except IOError:
line = ''
if line == '':
yield host, line
if event & POLLHUP:
poller.unregister( fd )
del popens[ host ]
yield None, ''
# Other stuff we use
def sysctlTestAndSet( name, limit ):
"Helper function to set sysctl limits"
# convert non-directory names into directory names
if '/' not in name:
name = '/proc/sys/' + name.replace( '.', '/' )
# read limit
with open( name, 'r' ) as readFile:
oldLimit = readFile.readline()
if isinstance( limit, int ):
# compare integer limits before overriding
if int( oldLimit ) < limit:
with open( name, 'w' ) as writeFile:
writeFile.write( "%d" % limit )
# overwrite non-integer limits
with open( name, 'w' ) as writeFile:
writeFile.write( limit )
def rlimitTestAndSet( name, limit ):
"Helper function to set rlimits"
soft, hard = getrlimit( name )
if soft < limit:
hardLimit = hard if limit < hard else limit
setrlimit( name, ( limit, hardLimit ) )
def fixLimits():
"Fix ridiculously small resource limits."
debug( "*** Setting resource limits\n" )
rlimitTestAndSet( RLIMIT_NPROC, 8192 )
rlimitTestAndSet( RLIMIT_NOFILE, 16384 )
# Increase open file limit
sysctlTestAndSet( 'fs.file-max', 10000 )
# Increase network buffer space
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.core.wmem_max', 16777216 )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.core.rmem_max', 16777216 )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.tcp_rmem', '10240 87380 16777216' )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.tcp_wmem', '10240 87380 16777216' )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.core.netdev_max_backlog', 5000 )
# Increase arp cache size
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1', 4096 )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2', 8192 )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3', 16384 )
# Increase routing table size
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.route.max_size', 32768 )
# Increase number of PTYs for nodes
sysctlTestAndSet( 'kernel.pty.max', 20000 )
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception:
warn( "*** Error setting resource limits. "
"Mininet's performance may be affected.\n" )
# pylint: enable=broad-except
def mountCgroups( cgcontrol='cpu cpuacct cpuset' ):
"""Mount cgroupfs if needed and return cgroup version
cgcontrol: cgroup controllers to check ('cpu cpuacct cpuset')
Returns: 'cgroup' | 'cgroup2' """
# Try to read the cgroup controllers in cgcontrol
cglist = cgcontrol.split()
paths = ' '.join( '-g ' + c for c in cglist )
cmd = 'cgget -n %s /' % paths
result = errRun( cmd )
# If it failed, mount cgroupfs and retry
if result.ret or result.err or any(
c not in result.out for c in cglist ):
errFail( 'cgroupfs-mount' )
result = errRun( cmd )
errFail( cmd )
# cpu.cfs_period_us is used for cgroup but not cgroup2
if 'cpu.cfs_period_us' in result.out:
return 'cgroup'
return 'cgroup2'
def natural( text ):
"To sort sanely/alphabetically: sorted( l, key=natural )"
def num( s ):
"Convert text segment to int if necessary"
return int( s ) if s.isdigit() else s
return [ num( s ) for s in re.split( r'(\d+)', str( text ) ) ]
def naturalSeq( t ):
"Natural sort key function for sequences"
return [ natural( x ) for x in t ]
def numCores():
"Returns number of CPU cores based on /proc/cpuinfo"
if hasattr( numCores, 'ncores' ):
return numCores.ncores
numCores.ncores = int( quietRun('grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo') )
except ValueError:
return 0
return numCores.ncores
def irange(start, end):
"""Inclusive range from start to end (vs. Python insanity.)
irange(1,5) -> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5"""
return range( start, end + 1 )
def custom( cls, **params ):
"Returns customized constructor for class cls."
# Note: we may wish to see if we can use functools.partial() here
# and in customConstructor
def customized( *args, **kwargs):
"Customized constructor"
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
kwargs.update( params )
return cls( *args, **kwargs )
customized.__name__ = 'custom(%s,%s)' % ( cls, params )
return customized
def splitArgs( argstr ):
"""Split argument string into usable python arguments
argstr: argument string with format fn,arg2,kw1=arg3...
returns: fn, args, kwargs"""
split = argstr.split( ',' )
fn = split[ 0 ]
params = split[ 1: ]
# Convert int and float args; removes the need for function
# to be flexible with input arg formats.
args = [ makeNumeric( s ) for s in params if '=' not in s ]
kwargs = {}
for s in [ p for p in params if '=' in p ]:
key, val = s.split( '=', 1 )
kwargs[ key ] = makeNumeric( val )
return fn, args, kwargs
def customClass( classes, argStr ):
"""Return customized class based on argStr
The args and key/val pairs in argStr will be automatically applied
when the generated class is later used.
cname, args, kwargs = splitArgs( argStr )
cls = classes.get( cname, None )
if not cls:
raise Exception( "error: %s is unknown - please specify one of %s" %
( cname, classes.keys() ) )
if not args and not kwargs:
return cls
return specialClass( cls, append=args, defaults=kwargs )
def specialClass( cls, prepend=None, append=None,
defaults=None, override=None ):
"""Like functools.partial, but it returns a class
prepend: arguments to prepend to argument list
append: arguments to append to argument list
defaults: default values for keyword arguments
override: keyword arguments to override"""
if prepend is None:
prepend = []
if append is None:
append = []
if defaults is None:
defaults = {}
if override is None:
override = {}
class CustomClass( cls ):
"Customized subclass with preset args/params"
def __init__( self, *args, **params ):
newparams = defaults.copy()
newparams.update( params )
newparams.update( override )
cls.__init__( self, *( list( prepend ) + list( args ) +
list( append ) ),
**newparams )
CustomClass.__name__ = '%s%s' % ( cls.__name__, defaults )
return CustomClass
def buildTopo( topos, topoStr ):
"""Create topology from string with format (object, arg1, arg2,...).
input topos is a dict of topo names to constructors, possibly w/args.
topo, args, kwargs = splitArgs( topoStr )
if topo not in topos:
raise Exception( 'Invalid topo name %s' % topo )
return topos[ topo ]( *args, **kwargs )
def ensureRoot():
"""Ensure that we are running as root.
Probably we should only sudo when needed as per Big Switch's patch.
if os.getuid() != 0:
error( '*** Mininet must run as root.\n' )
exit( 1 )
def waitListening( client=None, server='', port=80, timeout=None ):
"""Wait until server is listening on port.
returns True if server is listening"""
runCmd = ( client.cmd if client else
partial( quietRun, shell=True ) )
if not runCmd( 'which telnet' ):
raise Exception('Could not find telnet' )
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
serverIP = server if isinstance( server, BaseString ) else server.IP()
cmd = ( 'echo A | telnet -e A %s %s' % ( serverIP, port ) )
time = 0
result = runCmd( cmd )
while 'Connected' not in result:
if 'No route' in result:
rtable = runCmd( 'route' )
error( 'no route to %s:\n%s' % ( server, rtable ) )
return False
if timeout and time >= timeout:
error( 'could not connect to %s on port %d\n' % ( server, port ) )
return False
debug( 'waiting for', server, 'to listen on port', port, '\n' )
info( '.' )
sleep( .5 )
time += .5
result = runCmd( cmd )
return True
def unitScale( num, prefix='' ):
"Return unit scale prefix and factor"
scale = 'kMGTP'
if prefix:
pos = scale.lower().index( prefix.lower() )
return prefix, float( 10**(3*(pos+1)) )
num, prefix, factor = float( num ), '', 1
for i, c in enumerate(scale, start=1):
f = 10**(3*i)
if num < f:
prefix, factor = c, f
return prefix, float( factor )
def fmtBps( bps, prefix='', fmt='%.1f %sbits/sec' ):
"""Return bps as iperf-style formatted rate string
prefix: lock to specific prefix (k, M, G, ...)
fmt: default format string for bps, prefix"""
bps = float( bps )
prefix, factor = unitScale( bps, prefix )
bps /= factor
return fmt % ( bps, prefix)