# prof-oms Profanity (https://profanity-im.github.io/) plugin to encrypt and decrypt omemo media shared attachment. =============================================================================== CONTENTS *prof-oms* 1. Intro ................................................... |prof-oms-intro| 2. Requirements ..................................... |prof-oms-requirements| 3. Usage ................................................... |prof-oms-usage| 4. Licence ............................................... |prof-oms-licence| =============================================================================== 1. Intro *prof-oms-intro* ======== Profanity Plugin to Decrypt/Save or Encrypt/Upload attachments in OMEMO session. 2. Requirements *prof-oms-requirements* =============== Works with python3 pip install -r requirements.txt 3. Usage *prof-oms-usage* ======== Installation: ``` /plugins install prof-oms.py ``` Usage: ``` /omemo sendfile on # Enable sending unencrypted files in a OMEMO session via /sendfile. ``` ``` /oms send # Set the path to sore downloaded content. ``` ``` /oms get # Save a aesgcm link contents. ``` ``` /oms setdir # Send encrypted file to chat recipient or muc. ``` 4. Licence *prof-oms-licence* ========== Public Domain