You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

246 lines
7.7 KiB

Decrypt/Save or Encrypt/Upload attachments in OMEMO sessions.
Build on "" skel (
import prof
import requests
import magic
import re
import os
import tempfile
from os.path import expanduser
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
_links = {}
_lastlink = {}
iv = b''
key = b''
flag = False
def enc(key, iv, path_in):
aes =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=iv)
with open(path_in, "rb") as fin:
with open(tempfile.gettempdir() + '/' + os.path.basename(path_in), 'wb') as fout:
ftemp,tag = aes.encrypt_and_digest(
fout.write(ftemp + tag)
strout = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/' + os.path.basename(path_in)
return strout
def _get_url():
link = None
jid = prof.get_current_recipient()
room = prof.get_current_muc()
# check if in chat window
if jid is not None:
# check for link from recipient
if jid in _lastlink.keys():
link = _lastlink[jid]
prof.cons_show("No links found from " + jid)
# check if in muc window
elif room is not None:
if room in _lastlink.keys():
link = _lastlink[room]
prof.cons_show("No links found in " + room)
# not in chat/muc window
prof.cons_show("You must supply a aesgcm URI to the /oms command")
return link
def _cmd_oms(arg1=None, arg2=None):
global flag
global iv
global key
global _lastlink
link = None
if arg1 == "setdir":
if not arg2:
prof.settings_string_set("oms", "download.path", arg2)
prof.cons_show(" set download path to" + arg2)
if arg1 == "send":
if not arg2:
key = get_random_bytes(32)
iv = get_random_bytes(12)
jid = prof.get_current_recipient()
filein_enc = arg2
strout = enc(key, iv, filein_enc)
flag = True
prof.send_line("/sendfile " + strout)
if arg1 == "get":
if not arg2:
link = arg2 if arg2 is not None else _get_url()
if not link:
prof.log_debug(" no aesgcm link found for oms command")
folder = prof.settings_string_get("oms", "download.path", "")
if folder == "":
prof.cons_show("Download path not set, see /help oms")
if folder[0] == '~':
folder = expanduser("~") + folder[1:]
address = re.sub("aesgcm","https",link.split('#')[0])
if len(link.split('#')[1]) == 88:
iv = bytes.fromhex(link.split('#')[1][:24])
key = bytes.fromhex(link.split('#')[1][24:])
elif len(link.split('#')[1]) == 96:
iv = bytes.fromhex(link.split('#')[1][:32])
key = bytes.fromhex(link.split('#')[1][32:])
prof.chat_show(jid, "Unknown key length!")
response = requests.get(address)
if response.status_code != 200:
prof.log_debug(" received non 200 response")
file_c = response.content[:-16]
tag = response.content[-16:]
aes =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=iv)
filename = address.split("/")[-1]
full_path = folder + "/" + filename
prof.log_debug(" Saving link {link} to file {file}".format(link=link, file=full_path))
jid = prof.get_current_recipient()
room = prof.get_current_muc()
if jid is not None:
prof.chat_show(jid, """ /\_/\\\n( o.o ) ♥ 1fd0 ♥\n > ^ <""")
prof.chat_show(jid, " Saving link to file {file}".format(file=full_path))
elif room is not None:
prof.room_show(room, """ /\_/\\\n( o.o ) ♥ 1fd0 ♥\n > ^ <""")
prof.room_show(room, " Saving link to file {file}".format(file=full_path))
with open(full_path, 'wb') as f:
f.write(aes.decrypt_and_verify(file_c, tag))
def prof_init(version, status, account_name, fulljid):
synopsis = [
"/oms get <url>",
"/oms setdir <folder>",
"/oms send <file_path>"
description = (
"/oms get: " +
"Save a aesgcm link contents." +
"If no argument is supplied, the last aesgcm URI in the current chat or room will be used. " +
"Tab autocompletion will go through all previous links in the current chat/room. " +
"/oms send: " +
"Send encrypted file to chat recipient or muc."
args = [
[ "setdir <dir>", "Filesystem path to store downloaded content" ],
[ "get <url>", "URL from which download content" ],
[ "send <file_path>", "Path of the file to upload" ]
examples = [
"/oms get aesgcm://",
"/oms setdir ~/Downloads",
"/oms send /path/to/my/file",
prof.register_command("/oms", 0, 2, synopsis, description, args, examples, _cmd_oms)
prof.completer_add("/oms", [ "setdir", ])
def prof_on_chat_win_focus(jid):
prof.completer_clear("/oms get")
prof.completer_add("/oms", [ "setdir", "get", "send" ])
prof.filepath_completer_add("/oms send")
if jid in _links:
prof.completer_add("/oms get", _links[jid])
def prof_on_room_win_focus(room):
prof.completer_clear("/oms get")
prof.completer_add("/oms", [ "setdir", "get", "send" ])
prof.filepath_completer_add("/oms send")
if room in _links:
prof.completer_add("/oms get", _links[room])
def _process_message(jid, current_jid, message):
links = re.findall(r'(aesgcm://\S+)', message)
if len(links) > 0:
if jid not in _links:
_links[jid] = []
# add to list of links for jid
for link in links:
if link not in _links[jid]:
prof.log_debug(" Saving {link} for {jid}".format(link=link, jid=jid))
# add to autocompleter if message for current window
if current_jid == jid:
prof.completer_add("/oms get", _links[jid])
# set last link for jid
_lastlink[jid] = links[len(links)-1]
def prof_post_chat_message_display(jid, resource, message):
current_jid = prof.get_current_recipient()
_process_message(jid, current_jid, message)
def prof_post_room_message_display(room, nick, message):
current_jid = prof.get_current_muc()
_process_message(room, current_jid, message)
def prof_on_room_history_message(room, nick, message, timestamp):
current_jid = prof.get_current_muc()
_process_message(room, current_jid, message)
def prof_pre_chat_message_send(jid, message):
global flag
if not flag:
return message
new_message = re.sub("^https", "aesgcm", message) + '#' + iv.hex() + key.hex()
flag = False
return new_message
def prof_pre_room_message_send(jid, message):
global flag
if not flag:
return message
new_message = re.sub("^https", "aesgcm", message) + '#' + iv.hex() + key.hex()
flag = False
return new_message