delete comments

Totem4 Totem4 5 years ago
parent c6286cc31b
commit 23c310a80c

@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ let g:loaded_Banana= 1 " your version number
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Public Interface:
" AppFunction: is a function you expect your users to call
" PickAMap: some sequence of characters that will run your AppFunction
" Repeat these three lines as needed for multiple functions which will
" be used to provide an interface for the user
if !hasmapto('<Plug>BananaEnc')
map <unique> <Leader>b <Plug>BananaEnc
@ -19,143 +14,12 @@ endif
if !hasmapto('<Plug>BananaDec')
map <unique> <Leader>d <Plug>BananaDec
"" Global Maps:
"noremap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>BananaPybanana
" \ :set lz<CR>:call <SID>Pybanana()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
noremap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>BananaEnc
\ :call <SID>Enc()<CR>
noremap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>BananaDec
\ :call <SID>Dec()<CR>
"command! Banana call s:PyBanana()
"nnoremap ;b :Banana<CR>
"vnoremap ;b :<C-U>Banana<CR>
" s:AppFunction: this function is available via the <Plug>/<script>
" interface above
"fun! s:Pybanana()
"python3 << EOL
"import vim
"import re
"def dec2banana(num, dictstart = None, shiftend = None, minlength = None, dictionary = None):
" #defaults
" if dictstart is None: dictstart = 0
" if shiftend is None: shiftend = 0
" if minlength is None: minlength = 0
" if dictionary is None: dictionary = [list("bcdfglmnprstvz"), list("aeiou")]
" numdict = len(dictionary)
" v = num
" st = ""
" l = 0
" i = (numdict - 1 + dictstart + shiftend) % numdict
" while not (v == 0 and i == (numdict - 1 + dictstart) % numdict and l >= minlength):
" r = v % len(dictionary[i])
" v = int(v / len(dictionary[i]))
" st = dictionary[i][r] + st
" i = (i - 1) % numdict
" l += 1
" return(st)
"def banana2dec(banana, dictstart = None, shiftend = None, dictionary = None):
" #defaults
" if dictstart is None: dictstart = 0
" if shiftend is None: shiftend = 0
" if dictionary is None: dictionary = [list("bcdfglmnprstvz"), list("aeiou")] #, list("123456")
" numdict = len(dictionary)
" if (len(banana) - shiftend) % numdict != 0:
" return("Banana non valida")
" v = 0
" for i in range(len(banana)):
" r = (numdict + i + dictstart) % numdict
" try:
" v = v * len(dictionary[r]) + dictionary[r].index(banana[i])
" except:
" return("Carattere non valido in posizione", i+1)
" return(v)
"def isbanana(banana, dictstart = None, shiftend = None, dictionary = None):
" #defaults
" if dictstart is None: dictstart = 0
" if shiftend is None: shiftend = 0
" if dictionary is None: dictionary = [list("bcdfglmnprstvz"), list("aeiou")] #, list("123456")
" numdict = len(dictionary)
" if (len(banana) - shiftend) % numdict != 0:
" return(False)
" for i in range(len(banana)):
" r = (numdict + i + dictstart) % numdict
" if banana[i] not in dictionary[r]:
" return(False)
" return(True)
"def callback_dec(x):
" b = x[0].strip().lower()
" if isbanana(b):
" return "%s" % banana2dec(b)
" else:
" return x[0]
"def text2dec(text):
" text = re.sub(r"[A-Z][A-Z]*", callback_dec, text)
" #return text
" print(text)
"def callback(x):
" return " %s " % dec2banana(int(x[0], base=10)).upper()
"def text2banana(text):
" text = re.sub(r"[0-9][0-9]*", callback, text)
" return text
"def get_selected_text():
" buf = vim.current.buffer
" (lnum1, col1) = buf.mark('<')
" (lnum2, col2) = buf.mark('>')
" lines = vim.eval('getline({}, {})'.format(lnum1, lnum2))
" lines[0] = lines[0][col1:]
" lines[-1] = lines[-1][:col2]
" return "\n".join(lines)
"def replace_selected_text(new_str):
" buf = vim.current.buffer
" (lnum1, col1) = buf.mark('<')
" (lnum2, col2) = buf.mark('>')
" lines = vim.eval('getline({}, {})'.format(lnum1,lnum2))
" new_str = lines[0][:col1] + new_str + lines[-1][col2+1:]
" new_str_list = new_str.split('\n')
" del buf[lnum1-1:lnum2]
" buf.append(new_str_list, lnum1-1)
" return new_str
" " your script function can set up maps to internal functions
" "nnoremap <silent> <Left> :set lz<CR>:silent! call
" "<SID>AppFunction2()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
" " your app can call functions in its own script and not worry
" " about name
" " clashes by preceding those function names with <SID>
" "call s:InternalAppFunction(...)
" " or you could call it with
" "call s:InternalAppFunction(...)
python3 import sys
python3 import vim
python3 sys.path.append(vim.eval('expand("<sfile>:h")'))
@ -178,18 +42,5 @@ replace_selected_text(text2dec(get_selected_text()))
" s:InternalAppFunction: this function cannot be
" called from outside the
" script, and its name won't clash with whatever else
" the user has loaded
"fun! s:InternalAppFunction(...)
" ..whatever..
let &cpo= s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo