campi 5 months ago
commit fa9001bb67

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"Docstring to silence pylint; ignores --ignore option for"

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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
Mininet Cleanup
author: Bob Lantz (
Unfortunately, Mininet and OpenFlow (and the Linux kernel)
don't always clean up properly after themselves. Until they do
(or until cleanup functionality is integrated into the Python
code), this script may be used to get rid of unwanted garbage.
It may also get rid of 'false positives', but hopefully
nothing irreplaceable!
from subprocess import ( Popen, PIPE, check_output as co,
CalledProcessError )
import time
from mininet.log import info
from mininet.term import cleanUpScreens
from mininet.util import decode
def sh( cmd ):
"Print a command and send it to the shell"
info( cmd + '\n' )
p = Popen( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
[ '/bin/sh', '-c', cmd ], stdout=PIPE )
result = p.communicate()[ 0 ]
return decode( result )
def killprocs( pattern ):
"Reliably terminate processes matching a pattern (including args)"
sh( 'pkill -9 -f %s' % pattern )
# Make sure they are gone
while True:
pids = co( [ 'pgrep', '-f', pattern ] )
except CalledProcessError:
pids = ''
if pids:
sh( 'pkill -9 -f %s' % pattern )
time.sleep( .5 )
class Cleanup( object ):
"Wrapper for cleanup()"
callbacks = []
def cleanup( cls):
"""Clean up junk which might be left over from old runs;
do fast stuff before slow dp and link removal!"""
info( "*** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/"
"pings/noxes\n" )
zombies = ( 'controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core '
'lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller '
'ovs-testcontroller udpbwtest mnexec ivs ryu-manager ' )
# Note: real zombie processes can't actually be killed, since they
# are already (un)dead. Then again,
# you can't connect to them either, so they're mostly harmless.
# Send SIGTERM first to give processes a chance to shutdown cleanly.
sh( 'killall ' + zombies + ' 2> /dev/null' )
time.sleep( 1 )
sh( 'killall -9 ' + zombies + ' 2> /dev/null' )
# And kill off sudo mnexec
sh( 'pkill -9 -f "sudo mnexec"')
info( "*** Removing junk from /tmp\n" )
sh( 'rm -f /tmp/vconn* /tmp/vlogs* /tmp/*.out /tmp/*.log' )
info( "*** Removing old X11 tunnels\n" )
info( "*** Removing excess kernel datapaths\n" )
dps = sh( "ps ax | egrep -o 'dp[0-9]+' | sed 's/dp/nl:/'"
for dp in dps:
if dp:
sh( 'dpctl deldp ' + dp )
info( "*** Removing OVS datapaths\n" )
dps = sh("ovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br").strip().splitlines()
if dps:
sh( "ovs-vsctl " + " -- ".join( "--if-exists del-br " + dp
for dp in dps if dp ) )
# And in case the above didn't work...
dps = sh( "ovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br" ).strip().splitlines()
for dp in dps:
sh( 'ovs-vsctl del-br ' + dp )
info( "*** Removing all links of the pattern foo-ethX\n" )
links = sh( "ip link show | "
"egrep -o '([-_.[:alnum:]]+-eth[[:digit:]]+)'"
# Delete blocks of links
n = 1000 # chunk size
for i in range( 0, len( links ), n ):
cmd = ';'.join( 'ip link del %s' % link
for link in links[ i : i + n ] )
sh( '( %s ) 2> /dev/null' % cmd )
if 'tap9' in sh( 'ip link show' ):
info( "*** Removing tap9 - assuming it's from cluster edition\n" )
sh( 'ip link del tap9' )
info( "*** Killing stale mininet node processes\n" )
killprocs( 'mininet:' )
info( "*** Shutting down stale tunnels\n" )
killprocs( 'Tunnel=Ethernet' )
killprocs( '.ssh/mn')
sh( 'rm -f ~/.ssh/mn/*' )
# Call any additional cleanup code if necessary
for callback in cls.callbacks:
info( "*** Cleanup complete.\n" )
def addCleanupCallback( cls, callback ):
"Add cleanup callback"
if callback not in cls.callbacks:
cls.callbacks.append( callback )
cleanup = Cleanup.cleanup
addCleanupCallback = Cleanup.addCleanupCallback

@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
A simple command-line interface for Mininet.
The Mininet CLI provides a simple control console which
makes it easy to talk to nodes. For example, the command
mininet> h27 ifconfig
runs 'ifconfig' on host h27.
Having a single console rather than, for example, an xterm for each
node is particularly convenient for networks of any reasonable
The CLI automatically substitutes IP addresses for node names,
so commands like
mininet> h2 ping h3
should work correctly and allow host h2 to ping host h3
Several useful commands are provided, including the ability to
list all nodes ('nodes'), to print out the network topology
('net') and to check connectivity ('pingall', 'pingpair')
and bandwidth ('iperf'.)
from subprocess import call
from cmd import Cmd
from os import isatty
from select import poll, POLLIN
import select
import errno
import sys
import time
import os
import atexit
from mininet.log import info, output, error
from mininet.term import makeTerms, runX11
from mininet.util import ( quietRun, dumpNodeConnections,
dumpPorts )
class CLI( Cmd ):
"Simple command-line interface to talk to nodes."
prompt = 'mininet> '
def __init__( self, mininet, stdin=sys.stdin, script=None,
**kwargs ):
"""Start and run interactive or batch mode CLI
mininet: Mininet network object
stdin: standard input for CLI
script: script to run in batch mode""" = mininet
# Local variable bindings for py command
self.locals = { 'net': mininet }
# Attempt to handle input
self.inPoller = poll()
self.inPoller.register( stdin )
self.inputFile = script
Cmd.__init__( self, stdin=stdin, **kwargs )
info( '*** Starting CLI:\n' )
if self.inputFile:
self.do_source( self.inputFile )
readlineInited = False
def initReadline( cls ):
"Set up history if readline is available"
# Only set up readline once to prevent multiplying the history file
if cls.readlineInited:
cls.readlineInited = True
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from readline import ( read_history_file, write_history_file,
set_history_length )
except ImportError:
history_path = os.path.expanduser( '~/.mininet_history' )
if os.path.isfile( history_path ):
read_history_file( history_path )
set_history_length( 1000 )
def writeHistory():
"Write out history file"
write_history_file( history_path )
except IOError:
# Ignore probably spurious IOError
atexit.register( writeHistory )
def run( self ):
"Run our cmdloop(), catching KeyboardInterrupt"
while True:
# Make sure no nodes are still waiting
for node in
while node.waiting:
info( 'stopping', node, '\n' )
if self.isatty():
quietRun( 'stty echo sane intr ^C' )
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Output a message - unless it's also interrupted
# pylint: disable=broad-except
output( '\nInterrupt\n' )
except Exception:
# pylint: enable=broad-except
def emptyline( self ):
"Don't repeat last command when you hit return."
def getLocals( self ):
"Local variable bindings for py command"
self.locals.update( )
return self.locals
helpStr = (
'You may also send a command to a node using:\n'
' <node> command {args}\n'
'For example:\n'
' mininet> h1 ifconfig\n'
'The interpreter automatically substitutes IP addresses\n'
'for node names when a node is the first arg, so commands\n'
' mininet> h2 ping h3\n'
'should work.\n'
'Some character-oriented interactive commands require\n'
' mininet> noecho h2 vi\n'
'However, starting up an xterm/gterm is generally better:\n'
' mininet> xterm h2\n\n'
def do_help( self, line ): # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed
"Describe available CLI commands."
Cmd.do_help( self, line )
if line == '':
output( self.helpStr )
def do_nodes( self, _line ):
"List all nodes."
nodes = ' '.join( sorted( ) )
output( 'available nodes are: \n%s\n' % nodes )
def do_ports( self, _line ):
"display ports and interfaces for each switch"
dumpPorts( )
def do_net( self, _line ):
"List network connections."
dumpNodeConnections( )
def do_sh( self, line ):
"""Run an external shell command
Usage: sh [cmd args]"""
assert self # satisfy pylint and allow override
call( line, shell=True )
# do_py() and do_px() need to catch any exception during eval()/exec()
# pylint: disable=broad-except
def do_py( self, line ):
"""Evaluate a Python expression.
Node names may be used, e.g.: py h1.cmd('ls')"""
# pylint: disable=eval-used
result = eval( line, globals(), self.getLocals() )
if result is None:
elif isinstance( result, str ):
output( result + '\n' )
output( repr( result ) + '\n' )
except Exception as e:
output( str( e ) + '\n' )
# We are in fact using the exec() pseudo-function
# pylint: disable=exec-used
def do_px( self, line ):
"""Execute a Python statement.
Node names may be used, e.g.: px print h1.cmd('ls')"""
exec( line, globals(), self.getLocals() )
except Exception as e:
output( str( e ) + '\n' )
# pylint: enable=broad-except,exec-used
def do_pingall( self, line ):
"Ping between all hosts." line )
def do_pingpair( self, _line ):
"Ping between first two hosts, useful for testing."
def do_pingallfull( self, _line ):
"Ping between all hosts, returns all ping results."
def do_pingpairfull( self, _line ):
"Ping between first two hosts, returns all ping results."
def do_iperf( self, line ):
"""Simple iperf TCP test between two (optionally specified) hosts.
Usage: iperf node1 node2"""
args = line.split()
if not args:
elif len(args) == 2:
hosts = []
err = False
for arg in args:
if arg not in
err = True
error( "node '%s' not in network\n" % arg )
hosts.append([ arg ] )
if not err: hosts )
error( 'invalid number of args: iperf src dst\n' )
def do_iperfudp( self, line ):
"""Simple iperf UDP test between two (optionally specified) hosts.
Usage: iperfudp bw node1 node2"""
args = line.split()
if not args: l4Type='UDP' )
elif len(args) == 3:
udpBw = args[ 0 ]
hosts = []
err = False
for arg in args[ 1:3 ]:
if arg not in
err = True
error( "node '%s' not in network\n" % arg )
hosts.append([ arg ] )
if not err: hosts, l4Type='UDP', udpBw=udpBw )
error( 'invalid number of args: iperfudp bw src dst\n' +
'bw examples: 10M\n' )
def do_intfs( self, _line ):
"List interfaces."
for node in
output( '%s: %s\n' %
(, ','.join( node.intfNames() ) ) )
def do_dump( self, _line ):
"Dump node info."
for node in
output( '%s\n' % repr( node ) )
def do_link( self, line ):
"""Bring link(s) between two nodes up or down.
Usage: link node1 node2 [up/down]"""
args = line.split()
if len(args) != 3:
error( 'invalid number of args: link end1 end2 [up down]\n' )
elif args[ 2 ] not in [ 'up', 'down' ]:
error( 'invalid type: link end1 end2 [up down]\n' )
else: *args )
def do_xterm( self, line, term='xterm' ):
"""Spawn xterm(s) for the given node(s).
Usage: xterm node1 node2 ..."""
args = line.split()
if not args:
error( 'usage: %s node1 node2 ...\n' % term )
for arg in args:
if arg not in
error( "node '%s' not in network\n" % arg )
node =[ arg ] += makeTerms( [ node ], term = term )
def do_x( self, line ):
"""Create an X11 tunnel to the given node,
optionally starting a client.
Usage: x node [cmd args]"""
args = line.split()
if not args:
error( 'usage: x node [cmd args]...\n' )
node =[ args[ 0 ] ]
cmd = args[ 1: ] += runX11( node, cmd )
def do_gterm( self, line ):
"""Spawn gnome-terminal(s) for the given node(s).
Usage: gterm node1 node2 ..."""
self.do_xterm( line, term='gterm' )
def do_exit( self, _line ):
assert self # satisfy pylint and allow override
return 'exited by user command'
def do_quit( self, line ):
return self.do_exit( line )
def do_EOF( self, line ):
output( '\n' )
return self.do_exit( line )
def isatty( self ):
"Is our standard input a tty?"
return isatty( self.stdin.fileno() )
def do_noecho( self, line ):
"""Run an interactive command with echoing turned off.
Usage: noecho [cmd args]"""
if self.isatty():
quietRun( 'stty -echo' )
self.default( line )
if self.isatty():
quietRun( 'stty echo' )
def do_source( self, line ):
"""Read commands from an input file.
Usage: source <file>"""
args = line.split()
if len(args) != 1:
error( 'usage: source <file>\n' )
with open( args[ 0 ] ) as self.inputFile:
while True:
line = self.inputFile.readline()
if len( line ) > 0:
self.onecmd( line )
except IOError:
error( 'error reading file %s\n' % args[ 0 ] )
self.inputFile = None
def do_dpctl( self, line ):
"""Run dpctl (or ovs-ofctl) command on all switches.
Usage: dpctl command [arg1] [arg2] ..."""
args = line.split()
if len(args) < 1:
error( 'usage: dpctl command [arg1] [arg2] ...\n' )
for sw in
output( '*** ' + + ' ' + ('-' * 72) + '\n' )
output( sw.dpctl( *args ) )
def do_time( self, line ):
"Measure time taken for any command in Mininet."
start = time.time()
elapsed = time.time() - start
self.stdout.write("*** Elapsed time: %0.6f secs\n" % elapsed)
def do_links( self, _line ):
"Report on links"
for link in
output( link, link.status(), '\n' )
def do_switch( self, line ):
"Starts or stops a switch"
args = line.split()
if len(args) != 2:
error( 'invalid number of args: switch <switch name>'
'{start, stop}\n' )
sw = args[ 0 ]
command = args[ 1 ]
if sw not in or sw ) not in
error( 'invalid switch: %s\n' % args[ 1 ] )
sw = args[ 0 ]
command = args[ 1 ]
if command == 'start': sw ).start( )
elif command == 'stop': sw ).stop( deleteIntfs=False )
error( 'invalid command: '
'switch <switch name> {start, stop}\n' )
def do_wait( self, _line ):
"Wait until all switches have connected to a controller"
def default( self, line ):
"""Called on an input line when the command prefix is not recognized.
Overridden to run shell commands when a node is the first
CLI argument. Past the first CLI argument, node names are
automatically replaced with corresponding IP addrs."""
first, args, line = self.parseline( line )
if first in
if not args:
error( '*** Please enter a command for node: %s <cmd>\n'
% first )
node =[ first ]
rest = args.split( ' ' )
# Substitute IP addresses for node names in command
# If updateIP() returns None, then use node name
rest = [[ arg ].defaultIntf().updateIP() or arg
if arg in else arg
for arg in rest ]
rest = ' '.join( rest )
# Run cmd on node:
node.sendCmd( rest )
self.waitForNode( node )
error( '*** Unknown command: %s\n' % line )
def waitForNode( self, node ):
"Wait for a node to finish, and print its output."
# Pollers
nodePoller = poll()
nodePoller.register( node.stdout )
bothPoller = poll()
bothPoller.register( self.stdin, POLLIN )
bothPoller.register( node.stdout, POLLIN )
if self.isatty():
# Buffer by character, so that interactive
# commands sort of work
quietRun( 'stty -icanon min 1' )
while True:
# XXX BL: this doesn't quite do what we want.
# pylint: disable=condition-evals-to-constant
if False and self.inputFile:
key = 1 )
if key != '':
node.write( key )
self.inputFile = None
# pylint: enable=condition-evals-to-constant
if isReadable( self.inPoller ):
key = 1 )
node.write( key )
if isReadable( nodePoller ):
data = node.monitor()
output( data )
if not node.waiting:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# There is an at least one race condition here, since
# it's possible to interrupt ourselves after we've
# read data but before it has been printed.
except select.error as e:
# pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence
# pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
errno_, errmsg = e.args
if errno_ != errno.EINTR:
error( "select.error: %s, %s" % (errno_, errmsg) )
def precmd( self, line ):
"allow for comments in the cli"
if '#' in line:
line = line.split( '#' )[ 0 ]
return line
# Helper functions
def isReadable( poller ):
"Check whether a Poll object has a readable fd."
for fdmask in poller.poll( 0 ):
mask = fdmask[ 1 ]
if mask & POLLIN:
return True
return False

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
""" interface and link abstractions for mininet
It seems useful to bundle functionality for interfaces into a single
Also it seems useful to enable the possibility of multiple flavors of
links, including:
- simple veth pairs
- tunneled links
- patchable links (which can be disconnected and reconnected via a patchbay)
- link simulators (e.g. wireless)
Basic division of labor:
Nodes: know how to execute commands
Intfs: know how to configure themselves
Links: know how to connect nodes together
Intf: basic interface object that can configure itself
TCIntf: interface with bandwidth limiting and delay via tc
Link: basic link class for creating veth pairs
import re
from mininet.log import info, error, debug
from mininet.util import makeIntfPair
# Make pylint happy:
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
class Intf( object ):
"Basic interface object that can configure itself."
def __init__( self, name, node=None, port=None, link=None,
mac=None, **params ):
"""name: interface name (e.g. h1-eth0)
node: owning node (where this intf most likely lives)
link: parent link if we're part of a link
other arguments are passed to config()"""
self.node = node = name = link
self.mac = mac
self.ip, self.prefixLen = None, None
# if interface is lo, we know the ip is
# This saves an ifconfig command per node
if == 'lo':
self.ip = ''
self.prefixLen = 8
# Add to node (and move ourselves if necessary )
if node:
moveIntfFn = params.pop( 'moveIntfFn', None )
if moveIntfFn:
node.addIntf( self, port=port, moveIntfFn=moveIntfFn )
node.addIntf( self, port=port )
# Save params for future reference
self.params = params
self.config( **params )
def cmd( self, *args, **kwargs ):
"Run a command in our owning node"
return self.node.cmd( *args, **kwargs )
def ifconfig( self, *args ):
"Configure ourselves using ifconfig"
return self.cmd( 'ifconfig',, *args )
def setIP( self, ipstr, prefixLen=None ):
"""Set our IP address"""
# This is a sign that we should perhaps rethink our prefix
# mechanism and/or the way we specify IP addresses
if '/' in ipstr:
self.ip, self.prefixLen = ipstr.split( '/' )
return self.ifconfig( ipstr, 'up' )
if prefixLen is None:
raise Exception( 'No prefix length set for IP address %s'
% ( ipstr, ) )
self.ip, self.prefixLen = ipstr, prefixLen
return self.ifconfig( '%s/%s' % ( ipstr, prefixLen ) )
def setMAC( self, macstr ):
"""Set the MAC address for an interface.
macstr: MAC address as string"""
self.mac = macstr
return ( self.ifconfig( 'down' ) +
self.ifconfig( 'hw', 'ether', macstr ) +
self.ifconfig( 'up' ) )
_ipMatchRegex = re.compile( r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' )
_macMatchRegex = re.compile( r'..:..:..:..:..:..' )
def updateIP( self ):
"Return updated IP address based on ifconfig"
# use pexec instead of node.cmd so that we dont read
# backgrounded output from the cli.
ifconfig, _err, _exitCode = self.node.pexec(
'ifconfig %s' % )
ips = self._ipMatchRegex.findall( ifconfig )
self.ip = ips[ 0 ] if ips else None
return self.ip
def updateMAC( self ):
"Return updated MAC address based on ifconfig"
ifconfig = self.ifconfig()
macs = self._macMatchRegex.findall( ifconfig )
self.mac = macs[ 0 ] if macs else None
return self.mac
# Instead of updating ip and mac separately,
# use one ifconfig call to do it simultaneously.
# This saves an ifconfig command, which improves performance.
def updateAddr( self ):
"Return IP address and MAC address based on ifconfig."
ifconfig = self.ifconfig()
ips = self._ipMatchRegex.findall( ifconfig )
macs = self._macMatchRegex.findall( ifconfig )
self.ip = ips[ 0 ] if ips else None
self.mac = macs[ 0 ] if macs else None
return self.ip, self.mac
def IP( self ):
"Return IP address"
return self.ip
def MAC( self ):
"Return MAC address"
return self.mac
def isUp( self, setUp=False ):
"Return whether interface is up"
if setUp:
cmdOutput = self.ifconfig( 'up' )
# no output indicates success
if cmdOutput:
error( "Error setting %s up: %s " % (, cmdOutput ) )
return False
return True
return "UP" in self.ifconfig()
def rename( self, newname ):
"Rename interface"
if self.node and in self.node.nameToIntf:
# rename intf in node's nameToIntf
self.node.nameToIntf[newname] = self.node.nameToIntf.pop(
self.ifconfig( 'down' )
result = self.cmd( 'ip link set',, 'name', newname ) = newname
self.ifconfig( 'up' )
return result
# The reason why we configure things in this way is so
# That the parameters can be listed and documented in
# the config method.
# Dealing with subclasses and superclasses is slightly
# annoying, but at least the information is there!
def setParam( self, results, method, **param ):
"""Internal method: configure a *single* parameter
results: dict of results to update
method: config method name
param: arg=value (ignore if value=None)
value may also be list or dict"""
name, value = list( param.items() )[ 0 ]
f = getattr( self, method, None )
if not f or value is None:
return None
if isinstance( value, list ):
result = f( *value )
elif isinstance( value, dict ):
result = f( **value )
result = f( value )
results[ name ] = result
return result
def config( self, mac=None, ip=None, ifconfig=None,
up=True, **_params ):
"""Configure Node according to (optional) parameters:
mac: MAC address
ip: IP address
ifconfig: arbitrary interface configuration
Subclasses should override this method and call
the parent class's config(**params)"""
# If we were overriding this method, we would call
# the superclass config method here as follows:
# r = Parent.config( **params )
r = {}
self.setParam( r, 'setMAC', mac=mac )
self.setParam( r, 'setIP', ip=ip )
self.setParam( r, 'isUp', up=up )
self.setParam( r, 'ifconfig', ifconfig=ifconfig )
return r
def delete( self ):
"Delete interface"
self.cmd( 'ip link del ' + )
# We used to do this, but it slows us down:
# if self.node.inNamespace:
# Link may have been dumped into root NS
# quietRun( 'ip link del ' + )
self.node.delIntf( self ) = None
def status( self ):
"Return intf status as a string"
links, _err, _result = self.node.pexec( 'ip link show' )
if in links:
return "OK"
return "MISSING"
def __repr__( self ):
return '<%s %s>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, )
def __str__( self ):
class TCIntf( Intf ):
"""Interface customized by tc (traffic control) utility
Allows specification of bandwidth limits (various methods)
as well as delay, loss and max queue length"""
# The parameters we use seem to work reasonably up to 1 Gb/sec
# For higher data rates, we will probably need to change them.
bwParamMax = 1000
def bwCmds( self, bw=None, speedup=0, use_hfsc=False, use_tbf=False,
latency_ms=None, enable_ecn=False, enable_red=False ):
"Return tc commands to set bandwidth"
cmds, parent = [], ' root '
if bw and ( bw < 0 or bw > self.bwParamMax ):
error( 'Bandwidth limit', bw, 'is outside supported range 0..%d'
% self.bwParamMax, '- ignoring\n' )
elif bw is not None:
# BL: this seems a bit brittle...
if ( speedup > 0 and[0:1] == 's' ):
bw = speedup
# This may not be correct - we should look more closely
# at the semantics of burst (and cburst) to make sure we
# are specifying the correct sizes. For now I have used
# the same settings we had in the mininet-hifi code.
if use_hfsc:
cmds += [ '%s qdisc add dev %s root handle 5:0 hfsc default 1',
'%s class add dev %s parent 5:0 classid 5:1 hfsc sc '
+ 'rate %fMbit ul rate %fMbit' % ( bw, bw ) ]
elif use_tbf:
if latency_ms is None:
latency_ms = 15.0 * 8 / bw
cmds += [ '%s qdisc add dev %s root handle 5: tbf ' +
'rate %fMbit burst 15000 latency %fms' %
( bw, latency_ms ) ]
cmds += [ '%s qdisc add dev %s root handle 5:0 htb default 1',
'%s class add dev %s parent 5:0 classid 5:1 htb ' +
'rate %fMbit burst 15k' % bw ]
parent = ' parent 5:1 '
# ECN or RED
if enable_ecn:
cmds += [ '%s qdisc add dev %s' + parent +
'handle 6: red limit 1000000 ' +
'min 30000 max 35000 avpkt 1500 ' +
'burst 20 ' +
'bandwidth %fmbit probability 1 ecn' % bw ]
parent = ' parent 6: '
elif enable_red:
cmds += [ '%s qdisc add dev %s' + parent +
'handle 6: red limit 1000000 ' +
'min 30000 max 35000 avpkt 1500 ' +
'burst 20 ' +
'bandwidth %fmbit probability 1' % bw ]
parent = ' parent 6: '
return cmds, parent
def delayCmds( parent, delay=None, jitter=None,
loss=None, max_queue_size=None ):
"Internal method: return tc commands for delay and loss"
cmds = []
if loss and ( loss < 0 or loss > 100 ):
error( 'Bad loss percentage', loss, '%%\n' )
# Delay/jitter/loss/max queue size
netemargs = '%s%s%s%s' % (
'delay %s ' % delay if delay is not None else '',
'%s ' % jitter if jitter is not None else '',
'loss %.5f ' % loss if (loss is not None and loss > 0) else '',
'limit %d' % max_queue_size if max_queue_size is not None
else '' )
if netemargs:
cmds = [ '%s qdisc add dev %s ' + parent +
' handle 10: netem ' +
netemargs ]
parent = ' parent 10:1 '
return cmds, parent
def tc( self, cmd, tc='tc' ):
"Execute tc command for our interface"
c = cmd % (tc, self) # Add in tc command and our name
debug(" *** executing command: %s\n" % c)
return self.cmd( c )
def config( # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed,arguments-differ
bw=None, delay=None, jitter=None, loss=None,
gro=False, txo=True, rxo=True,
speedup=0, use_hfsc=False, use_tbf=False,
latency_ms=None, enable_ecn=False, enable_red=False,
max_queue_size=None, **params ):
"""Configure the port and set its properties.
bw: bandwidth in b/s (e.g. '10m')
delay: transmit delay (e.g. '1ms' )
jitter: jitter (e.g. '1ms')
loss: loss (e.g. '1%' )
gro: enable GRO (False)
txo: enable transmit checksum offload (True)
rxo: enable receive checksum offload (True)
speedup: experimental switch-side bw option
use_hfsc: use HFSC scheduling
use_tbf: use TBF scheduling
latency_ms: TBF latency parameter
enable_ecn: enable ECN (False)
enable_red: enable RED (False)
max_queue_size: queue limit parameter for netem"""
# Support old names for parameters
gro = not params.pop( 'disable_gro', not gro )
result = Intf.config( self, **params)
def on( isOn ):
"Helper method: bool -> 'on'/'off'"
return 'on' if isOn else 'off'
# Set offload parameters with ethool
self.cmd( 'ethtool -K', self,
'gro', on( gro ),
'tx', on( txo ),
'rx', on( rxo ) )
# Optimization: return if nothing else to configure
# Question: what happens if we want to reset things?
if ( bw is None and not delay and not loss
and max_queue_size is None ):
return None
# Clear existing configuration
tcoutput = '%s qdisc show dev %s' )
if "priomap" not in tcoutput and "noqueue" not in tcoutput:
cmds = [ '%s qdisc del dev %s root' ]
cmds = []
# Bandwidth limits via various methods
bwcmds, parent = self.bwCmds( bw=bw, speedup=speedup,
use_hfsc=use_hfsc, use_tbf=use_tbf,
enable_red=enable_red )
cmds += bwcmds
# Delay/jitter/loss/max_queue_size using netem
delaycmds, parent = self.delayCmds( delay=delay, jitter=jitter,
parent=parent )
cmds += delaycmds
# Ugly but functional: display configuration info
stuff = ( ( [ '%.2fMbit' % bw ] if bw is not None else [] ) +
( [ '%s delay' % delay ] if delay is not None else [] ) +
( [ '%s jitter' % jitter ] if jitter is not None else [] ) +
( ['%.5f%% loss' % loss ] if loss is not None else [] ) +
( [ 'ECN' ] if enable_ecn else [ 'RED' ]
if enable_red else [] ) )
info( '(' + ' '.join( stuff ) + ') ' )
# Execute all the commands in our node
debug("at map stage w/cmds: %s\n" % cmds)
tcoutputs = [ for cmd in cmds ]
for output in tcoutputs:
if output != '':
error( "*** Error: %s" % output )
debug( "cmds:", cmds, '\n' )
debug( "outputs:", tcoutputs, '\n' )
result[ 'tcoutputs'] = tcoutputs
result[ 'parent' ] = parent
return result
class Link( object ):
"""A basic link is just a veth pair.
Other types of links could be tunnels, link emulators, etc.."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def __init__( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
intfName1=None, intfName2=None, addr1=None, addr2=None,
intf=Intf, cls1=None, cls2=None, params1=None,
params2=None, fast=True, **params ):
"""Create veth link to another node, making two new interfaces.
node1: first node
node2: second node
port1: node1 port number (optional)
port2: node2 port number (optional)
intf: default interface class/constructor
cls1, cls2: optional interface-specific constructors
intfName1: node1 interface name (optional)
intfName2: node2 interface name (optional)
params1: parameters for interface 1 (optional)
params2: parameters for interface 2 (optional)
**params: additional parameters for both interfaces"""
# This is a bit awkward; it seems that having everything in
# params is more orthogonal, but being able to specify
# in-line arguments is more convenient! So we support both.
params1 = dict( params1 ) if params1 else {}
params2 = dict( params2 ) if params2 else {}
if port1 is not None:
params1[ 'port' ] = port1
if port2 is not None:
params2[ 'port' ] = port2
if 'port' not in params1:
params1[ 'port' ] = node1.newPort()
if 'port' not in params2:
params2[ 'port' ] = node2.newPort()
if not intfName1:
intfName1 = self.intfName( node1, params1[ 'port' ] )
if not intfName2:
intfName2 = self.intfName( node2, params2[ 'port' ] )
# Update with remaining parameter list
params1.update( params )
params2.update( params ) = fast
if fast:
params1.setdefault( 'moveIntfFn', self._ignore )
params2.setdefault( 'moveIntfFn', self._ignore )
self.makeIntfPair( intfName1, intfName2, addr1, addr2,
node1, node2, deleteIntfs=False )
self.makeIntfPair( intfName1, intfName2, addr1, addr2 )
if not cls1:
cls1 = intf
if not cls2:
cls2 = intf
intf1 = cls1( name=intfName1, node=node1,
link=self, mac=addr1, **params1 )
intf2 = cls2( name=intfName2, node=node2,
link=self, mac=addr2, **params2 )
# All we are is dust in the wind, and our two interfaces
self.intf1, self.intf2 = intf1, intf2
# pylint: enable=too-many-branches
def _ignore( *args, **kwargs ):
"Ignore any arguments"
def intfName( self, node, n ):
"Construct a canonical interface name node-ethN for interface n."
# Leave this as an instance method for now
assert self
return + '-eth' + repr( n )
def makeIntfPair( cls, intfname1, intfname2, addr1=None, addr2=None,
node1=None, node2=None, deleteIntfs=True ):
"""Create pair of interfaces
intfname1: name for interface 1
intfname2: name for interface 2
addr1: MAC address for interface 1 (optional)
addr2: MAC address for interface 2 (optional)
node1: home node for interface 1 (optional)
node2: home node for interface 2 (optional)
(override this method [and possibly delete()]
to change link type)"""
# Leave this as a class method for now
assert cls
return makeIntfPair( intfname1, intfname2, addr1, addr2, node1, node2,
deleteIntfs=deleteIntfs )
def delete( self ):
"Delete this link"
self.intf1 = None
self.intf2 = None
def stop( self ):
"Override to stop and clean up link as needed"
def status( self ):
"Return link status as a string"
return "(%s %s)" % ( self.intf1.status(), self.intf2.status() )
def __str__( self ):
return '%s<->%s' % ( self.intf1, self.intf2 )
class OVSIntf( Intf ):
"Patch interface on an OVSSwitch"
def ifconfig( self, *args ):
cmd = ' '.join( args )
if cmd == 'up':
# OVSIntf is always up
raise Exception( 'OVSIntf cannot do ifconfig ' + cmd )
class OVSLink( Link ):
"""Link that makes patch links between OVSSwitches
Warning: in testing we have found that no more
than ~64 OVS patch links should be used in row."""
def __init__( self, node1, node2, **kwargs ):
"See Link.__init__() for options"
if 'OVSSwitch' not in globals():
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
from mininet.node import OVSSwitch
self.isPatchLink = False
if ( isinstance( node1, OVSSwitch ) and
isinstance( node2, OVSSwitch ) ):
self.isPatchLink = True
kwargs.update( cls1=OVSIntf, cls2=OVSIntf )
Link.__init__( self, node1, node2, **kwargs )
# pylint: disable=arguments-renamed, arguments-differ, signature-differs
def makeIntfPair( self, *args, **kwargs ):
"Usually delegated to OVSSwitch"
if self.isPatchLink:
return None, None
return Link.makeIntfPair( *args, **kwargs )
class TCLink( Link ):
"Link with TC interfaces"
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault( 'cls1', TCIntf )
kwargs.setdefault( 'cls2', TCIntf )
Link.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs)
class TCULink( TCLink ):
"""TCLink with default settings optimized for UserSwitch
(txo=rxo=0/False). Unfortunately with recent Linux kernels,
enabling TX and RX checksum offload on veth pairs doesn't work
well with UserSwitch: either it gets terrible performance or
TCP packets with bad checksums are generated, forwarded, and
*dropped* due to having bad checksums! OVS and LinuxBridge seem
to cope with this somehow, but it is likely to be an issue with
many software Ethernet bridges."""
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
kwargs.update( txo=False, rxo=False )
TCLink.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
"Logging functions for Mininet."
import logging
from logging import Logger
import types
# Create a new loglevel, 'CLI info', which enables a Mininet user to see only
# the output of the commands they execute, plus any errors or warnings. This
# level is in between info and warning. CLI info-level commands should not be
# printed during regression tests.
LEVELS = { 'debug': logging.DEBUG,
'info': logging.INFO,
'output': OUTPUT,
'warning': logging.WARNING,
'warn': logging.WARNING,
'error': logging.ERROR,
'critical': logging.CRITICAL }
# change this to logging.INFO to get printouts when running unit tests
# default: '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
LOGMSGFORMAT = '%(message)s'
# Modified from python2.5/
class StreamHandlerNoNewline( logging.StreamHandler ):
"""StreamHandler that doesn't print newlines by default.
Since StreamHandler automatically adds newlines, define a mod to more
easily support interactive mode when we want it, or errors-only logging
for running unit tests."""
def emit( self, record ):
"""Emit a record.
If a formatter is specified, it is used to format the record.
The record is then written to the stream with a trailing newline
[ N.B. this may be removed depending on feedback ]. If exception
information is present, it is formatted using
traceback.printException and appended to the stream."""
msg = self.format( record )
fs = '%s' # was '%s\n'
if not hasattr( types, 'UnicodeType' ): # if no unicode support... fs % msg )
try: fs % msg )
except UnicodeError: fs % msg.encode( 'UTF-8' ) )
except ( KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit ):
except: # noqa pylint: disable=bare-except
self.handleError( record )
class Singleton( type ):
"""Singleton pattern from Wikipedia
Intended to be used as a __metaclass_ param, as shown for the class
def __init__( cls, name, bases, dict_ ):
super( Singleton, cls ).__init__( name, bases, dict_ )
cls.instance = None
def __call__( cls, *args, **kw ):
if cls.instance is None:
cls.instance = super( Singleton, cls ).__call__( *args, **kw )
return cls.instance
class MininetLogger( Logger, object ):
"""Mininet-specific logger
Enable each mininet .py file to with one import:
from mininet.log import [lg, info, error]
...get a default logger that doesn't require one newline per logging
Inherit from object to ensure that we have at least one new-style base
class, and can then use the __metaclass__ directive, to prevent this
TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
a new-style class can't have only classic bases
If Python2.5/logging/ defined Filterer as a new-style class,
via Filterer( object ): rather than Filterer, we wouldn't need this.
Use singleton pattern to ensure only one logger is ever created."""
__metaclass__ = Singleton
def __init__( self, name="mininet" ):
Logger.__init__( self, name )
# create console handler
ch = StreamHandlerNoNewline()
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter( LOGMSGFORMAT )
# add formatter to ch
ch.setFormatter( formatter )
# add ch to lg and initialize log level
self.addHandler( ch ) = ch
def setLogLevel( self, levelname=None ):
"""Setup loglevel.
Convenience function to support lowercase names.
levelName: level name from LEVELS"""
if levelname and levelname not in LEVELS:
raise Exception( 'setLogLevel: unknown levelname %s' % levelname )
level = LEVELS.get( levelname, LOGLEVELDEFAULT )
self.setLevel( level ) level )
def output( self, msg, *args, **kwargs ):
"""Log 'msg % args' with severity 'OUTPUT'.
To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info
with a true value, e.g.
logger.warning("Houston, we have a %s", "cli output", exc_info=1)
if getattr( self.manager, 'disabled', 0 ) >= OUTPUT:
if self.isEnabledFor( OUTPUT ):
self._log( OUTPUT, msg, args, kwargs )
# Make things a bit more convenient by adding aliases
# (info, warn, error, debug) and allowing info( 'this', 'is', 'OK' )
# In the future we may wish to make things more efficient by only
# doing the join (and calling the function) unless the logging level
# is high enough.
def makeListCompatible( fn ):
"""Return a new function allowing fn( 'a 1 b' ) to be called as
newfn( 'a', 1, 'b' )"""
def newfn( *args ):
"Generated function. Closure-ish."
if len( args ) == 1:
return fn( *args )
args = ' '.join( str( arg ) for arg in args )
return fn( args )
# Fix newfn's name and docstring
setattr( newfn, '__name__', fn.__name__ )
setattr( newfn, '__doc__', fn.__doc__ )
return newfn
# Initialize logger and logging functions
logging.setLoggerClass( MininetLogger )
lg = logging.getLogger( "mininet" )
_loggers =, lg.output, lg.warning, lg.error, lg.debug
_loggers = tuple( makeListCompatible( logger ) for logger in _loggers ), lg.output, lg.warning, lg.error, lg.debug = _loggers
info, output, warning, error, debug = _loggers
warn = warning # alternate/old name
setLogLevel = lg.setLogLevel

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
"Module dependency utility functions for Mininet."
from os import environ
from sys import exit # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from mininet.util import quietRun, BaseString
from mininet.log import info, error, debug
def lsmod():
"Return output of lsmod."
return quietRun( 'lsmod' )
def rmmod( mod ):
"""Return output of lsmod.
mod: module string"""
return quietRun( [ 'rmmod', mod ] )
def modprobe( mod ):
"""Return output of modprobe
mod: module string"""
return quietRun( [ 'modprobe', mod ] )
OF_KMOD = 'ofdatapath'
OVS_KMOD = 'openvswitch_mod' # Renamed 'openvswitch' in OVS 1.7+/Linux 3.5+
TUN = 'tun'
def moduleDeps( subtract=None, add=None ):
"""Handle module dependencies.
subtract: string or list of module names to remove, if already loaded
add: string or list of module names to add, if not already loaded"""
subtract = subtract if subtract is not None else []
add = add if add is not None else []
if isinstance( subtract, BaseString ):
subtract = [ subtract ]
if isinstance( add, BaseString ):
add = [ add ]
for mod in subtract:
if mod in lsmod():
info( '*** Removing ' + mod + '\n' )
rmmodOutput = rmmod( mod )
if rmmodOutput:
error( 'Error removing ' + mod + ': "%s">\n' % rmmodOutput )
exit( 1 )
if mod in lsmod():
error( 'Failed to remove ' + mod + '; still there!\n' )
exit( 1 )
for mod in add:
if mod not in lsmod():
info( '*** Loading ' + mod + '\n' )
modprobeOutput = modprobe( mod )
if modprobeOutput:
error( 'Error inserting ' + mod +
' - is it installed and available via modprobe?\n' +
'Error was: "%s"\n' % modprobeOutput )
if mod not in lsmod():
error( 'Failed to insert ' + mod + ' - quitting.\n' )
exit( 1 )
debug( '*** ' + mod + ' already loaded\n' )
def pathCheck( *args, **kwargs ):
"Make sure each program in *args can be found in $PATH."
moduleName = kwargs.get( 'moduleName', 'it' )
for arg in args:
if not quietRun( 'which ' + arg ):
error( 'Cannot find required executable %s.\n' % arg +
'Please make sure that %s is installed ' % moduleName +
'and available in your $PATH:\n(%s)\n' % environ[ 'PATH' ] )
exit( 1 )

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
Node Library for Mininet
This contains additional Node types which you may find to be useful.
from mininet.node import Node, Switch
from mininet.log import info, warn
from mininet.moduledeps import pathCheck
from mininet.util import quietRun
class LinuxBridge( Switch ):
"Linux Bridge (with optional spanning tree)"
nextPrio = 100 # next bridge priority for spanning tree
def __init__( self, name, stp=False, prio=None, **kwargs ):
"""stp: use spanning tree protocol? (default False)
prio: optional explicit bridge priority for STP"""
self.stp = stp
if prio:
self.prio = prio
self.prio = LinuxBridge.nextPrio
LinuxBridge.nextPrio += 1
Switch.__init__( self, name, **kwargs )
def connected( self ):
"Are we forwarding yet?"
if self.stp:
return 'forwarding' in self.cmd( 'brctl showstp', self )
return True
def start( self, _controllers ):
"Start Linux bridge"
self.cmd( 'ifconfig', self, 'down' )
self.cmd( 'brctl delbr', self )
self.cmd( 'brctl addbr', self )
if self.stp:
self.cmd( 'brctl setbridgeprio', self.prio )
self.cmd( 'brctl stp', self, 'on' )
for i in self.intfList():
if in
self.cmd( 'brctl addif', self, i )
self.cmd( 'ifconfig', self, 'up' )
def stop( self, deleteIntfs=True ):
"""Stop Linux bridge
deleteIntfs: delete interfaces? (True)"""
self.cmd( 'ifconfig', self, 'down' )
self.cmd( 'brctl delbr', self )
super( LinuxBridge, self ).stop( deleteIntfs )
def dpctl( self, *args ):
"Run brctl command"
return self.cmd( 'brctl', *args )
def setup( cls ):
"Check dependencies and warn about firewalling"
pathCheck( 'brctl', moduleName='bridge-utils' )
# Disable Linux bridge firewalling so that traffic can flow!
for table in 'arp', 'ip', 'ip6':
cmd = 'sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-%stables' % table
out = quietRun( cmd ).strip()
if out.endswith( '1' ):
warn( 'Warning: Linux bridge may not work with', out, '\n' )
class NAT( Node ):
"NAT: Provides connectivity to external network"
def __init__( self, name, subnet='10.0/8',
localIntf=None, flush=False, **params):
"""Start NAT/forwarding between Mininet and external network
subnet: Mininet subnet (default 10.0/8)
flush: flush iptables before installing NAT rules"""
super( NAT, self ).__init__( name, **params )
self.subnet = subnet
self.localIntf = localIntf
self.flush = flush
self.forwardState = self.cmd( 'sysctl -n net.ipv4.ip_forward' ).strip()
def setManualConfig( self, intf ):
"""Prevent network-manager/networkd from messing with our interface
by specifying manual configuration in /etc/network/interfaces"""
cfile = '/etc/network/interfaces'
line = '\niface %s inet manual\n' % intf
with open( cfile ) as f:
config =
except IOError:
config = ''
if ( line ) not in config:
info( '*** Adding "' + line.strip() + '" to ' + cfile + '\n' )
with open( cfile, 'a' ) as f:
f.write( line )
# Probably need to restart network manager to be safe -
# hopefully this won't disconnect you
self.cmd( 'service network-manager restart || netplan apply' )
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def config( self, **params ):
"""Configure the NAT and iptables"""
if not self.localIntf:
self.localIntf = self.defaultIntf()
self.setManualConfig( self.localIntf )
# Now we can configure manually without interference
super( NAT, self).config( **params )
if self.flush:
self.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -F' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -t nat -F' )
# Create default entries for unmatched traffic
self.cmd( 'iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -P FORWARD DROP' )
# Install NAT rules
self.cmd( 'iptables -I FORWARD',
'-i', self.localIntf, '-d', self.subnet, '-j DROP' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -A FORWARD',
'-i', self.localIntf, '-s', self.subnet, '-j ACCEPT' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -A FORWARD',
'-o', self.localIntf, '-d', self.subnet, '-j ACCEPT' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING',
'-s', self.subnet, "'!'", '-d', self.subnet,
# Instruct the kernel to perform forwarding
self.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' )
def terminate( self ):
"Stop NAT/forwarding between Mininet and external network"
# Remote NAT rules
self.cmd( 'iptables -D FORWARD',
'-i', self.localIntf, '-d', self.subnet, '-j DROP' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -D FORWARD',
'-i', self.localIntf, '-s', self.subnet, '-j ACCEPT' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -D FORWARD',
'-o', self.localIntf, '-d', self.subnet, '-j ACCEPT' )
self.cmd( 'iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING',
'-s', self.subnet, '\'!\'', '-d', self.subnet,
# Put the forwarding state back to what it was
self.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=%s' % self.forwardState )
super( NAT, self ).terminate()

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
Terminal creation and cleanup.
Utility functions to run a terminal (connected via socat(1)) on each host.
Requires socat(1) and xterm(1).
Optionally uses gnome-terminal.
from os import environ
from mininet.log import error
from mininet.util import quietRun, errRun
def tunnelX11( node, display=None):
"""Create an X11 tunnel from node:6000 to the root host
display: display on root host (optional)
returns: node $DISPLAY, Popen object for tunnel"""
if display is None and 'DISPLAY' in environ:
display = environ[ 'DISPLAY' ]
if display is None:
error( "Error: Cannot connect to display\n" )
return None, None
host, screen = display.split( ':' )
# Unix sockets should work
if not host or host == 'unix':
# GDM3 doesn't put credentials in .Xauthority,
# so allow root to just connect
quietRun( 'xhost +si:localuser:root' )
return display, None
# Create a tunnel for the TCP connection
port = 6000 + int( float( screen ) )
connection = r'TCP\:%s\:%s' % ( host, port )
cmd = [ "socat", "TCP-LISTEN:%d,fork,reuseaddr" % port,
"EXEC:'mnexec -a 1 socat STDIO %s'" % connection ]
return 'localhost:' + screen, node.popen( cmd )
def makeTerm( node, title='Node', term='xterm', display=None, cmd='bash'):
"""Create an X11 tunnel to the node and start up a terminal.
node: Node object
title: base title
term: 'xterm' or 'gterm'
returns: two Popen objects, tunnel and terminal"""
title = '"%s: %s"' % ( title, )
if not node.inNamespace:
title += ' (root)'
cmds = {
'xterm': [ 'xterm', '-title', title, '-display' ],
'gterm': [ 'gnome-terminal', '--title', title, '--display' ]
if term not in cmds:
error( 'invalid terminal type: %s' % term )
return None
display, tunnel = tunnelX11( node, display )
if display is None:
return []
term = node.popen( cmds[ term ] +
[ display, '-e', 'env TERM=ansi %s' % cmd ] )
return [ tunnel, term ] if tunnel else [ term ]
def runX11( node, cmd ):
"Run an X11 client on a node"
_display, tunnel = tunnelX11( node )
if _display is None:
return []
popen = node.popen( cmd )
return [ tunnel, popen ]
def cleanUpScreens():
"Remove moldy socat X11 tunnels."
errRun( "pkill -9 -f mnexec.*socat" )
def makeTerms( nodes, title='Node', term='xterm' ):
"""Create terminals.
nodes: list of Node objects
title: base title for each
returns: list of created tunnel/terminal processes"""
terms = []
for node in nodes:
terms += makeTerm( node, title, term )
return terms

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Run all mininet core tests
-v : verbose output
-quick : skip tests that take more than ~30 seconds
from unittest import defaultTestLoader, TextTestRunner
import os
import sys
from mininet.util import ensureRoot
from mininet.clean import cleanup
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
def runTests( testDir, verbosity=1 ):
"discover and run all tests in testDir"
# ensure root and cleanup before starting tests
# discover all tests in testDir
testSuite = testDir )
# run tests
success = ( TextTestRunner( verbosity=verbosity )
.run( testSuite ).wasSuccessful() )
sys.exit( 0 if success else 1 )
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'warning' )
# get the directory containing example tests
thisdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
vlevel = 2 if '-v' in sys.argv else 1
runTests( testDir=thisdir, verbosity=vlevel )

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Package: mininet
Test creation and pings for topologies with link and/or CPU options."""
import unittest
import sys
from functools import partial
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import OVSSwitch, UserSwitch, IVSSwitch
from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
from import TCLink
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.util import quietRun
from mininet.clean import cleanup
# Number of hosts for each test
N = 2
class SingleSwitchOptionsTopo(Topo):
"Single switch connected to n hosts."
def __init__(self, n=2, hopts=None, lopts=None):
if not hopts:
hopts = {}
if not lopts:
lopts = {}
Topo.__init__(self, hopts=hopts, lopts=lopts)
switch = self.addSwitch('s1')
for h in range(n):
host = self.addHost('h%s' % (h + 1))
self.addLink(host, switch)
# Tell pylint not to complain about calls to other class
# pylint: disable=E1101
class testOptionsTopoCommon( object ):
"""Verify ability to create networks with host and link options
(common code)."""
switchClass = None # overridden in subclasses
def tearDown():
"Clean up if necessary"
if sys.exc_info() != ( None, None, None ):
def runOptionsTopoTest( self, n, msg, hopts=None, lopts=None ):
"Generic topology-with-options test runner."
mn = Mininet( topo=SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=n, hopts=hopts,
lopts=lopts ),
host=CPULimitedHost, link=TCLink,
switch=self.switchClass, waitConnected=True )
dropped = )
hoptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in hopts.items() )
loptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in lopts.items() )
msg += ( '%s%% of pings were dropped during\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'hopts = %s\n'
'lopts = %s\n'
'host = CPULimitedHost\n'
'link = TCLink\n'
'Switch = %s\n'
% ( dropped, n, hoptsStr, loptsStr, self.switchClass ) )
self.assertEqual( dropped, 0, msg=msg )
def assertWithinTolerance( self, measured, expected, tolerance_frac, msg ):
"""Check that a given value is within a tolerance of expected
tolerance_frac: less-than-1.0 value; 0.8 would yield 20% tolerance.
upperBound = ( float( expected ) + ( 1 - tolerance_frac ) *
float( expected ) )
lowerBound = float( expected ) * tolerance_frac
info = ( 'measured value is out of bounds\n'
'expected value: %s\n'
'measured value: %s\n'
'failure tolerance: %s\n'
'upper bound: %s\n'
'lower bound: %s\n'
% ( expected, measured, tolerance_frac,
upperBound, lowerBound ) )
msg += info
self.assertGreaterEqual( float( measured ), lowerBound, msg=msg )
self.assertLessEqual( float( measured ), upperBound, msg=msg )
def testCPULimits( self ):
"Verify topology creation with CPU limits set for both schedulers."
CPU_TOLERANCE = 0.8 # CPU fraction below which test should fail
hopts = { 'cpu': CPU_FRACTION }
# self.runOptionsTopoTest( N, hopts=hopts )
mn = Mininet( SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=N, hopts=hopts ),
host=CPULimitedHost, switch=self.switchClass,
waitConnected=True )
results = mn.runCpuLimitTest( cpu=CPU_FRACTION )
hostUsage = '\n'.join( 'h%s: %s' %
( n + 1,
results[ (n - 1) * 5 : (n * 5) - 1 ] )
for n in range( N ) )
hoptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in hopts.items() )
msg = ( '\nTesting cpu limited to %d%% of cpu per host\n'
'cpu usage percent per host:\n%s\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'hopts = %s\n'
'host = CPULimitedHost\n'
'Switch = %s\n'
% ( CPU_FRACTION * 100, hostUsage, N, hoptsStr,
self.switchClass ) )
for pct in results:
# divide cpu by 100 to convert from percentage to fraction
self.assertWithinTolerance( pct/100, CPU_FRACTION,
def testLinkBandwidth( self ):
"Verify that link bandwidths are accurate within a bound."
if self.switchClass is UserSwitch:
self.skipTest( 'UserSwitch has very poor performance -'
' skipping for now' )
BW = 5 # Mbps
BW_TOLERANCE = 0.8 # BW fraction below which test should fail
# Verify ability to create limited-link topo first;
lopts = { 'bw': BW, 'use_htb': True }
# Also verify correctness of limit limiting within a bound.
mn = Mininet( SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=N, lopts=lopts ),
link=TCLink, switch=self.switchClass,
waitConnected=True )
bw_strs = mn.iperf, fmt='m' )
loptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in lopts.items() )
msg = ( '\nTesting link bandwidth limited to %d Mbps per link\n'
'iperf results[ client, server ]: %s\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'Link = TCLink\n'
'lopts = %s\n'
'host = default\n'
'switch = %s\n'
% ( BW, bw_strs, N, loptsStr, self.switchClass ) )
# On the client side, iperf doesn't wait for ACKs - it simply
# reports how long it took to fill up the TCP send buffer.
# As long as the kernel doesn't wait a long time before
# delivering bytes to the iperf server, its reported data rate
# should be close to the actual receive rate.
serverRate, _clientRate = bw_strs
bw = float( serverRate.split(' ')[0] )
self.assertWithinTolerance( bw, BW, BW_TOLERANCE, msg )
def testLinkDelay( self ):
"Verify that link delays are accurate within a bound."
DELAY_TOLERANCE = 0.8 # Delay fraction below which test should fail
REPS = 3
lopts = { 'delay': '%sms' % DELAY_MS, 'use_htb': True }
mn = Mininet( SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=N, lopts=lopts ),
link=TCLink, switch=self.switchClass, autoStaticArp=True,
waitConnected=True )
for _ in range( REPS ):
ping_delays = mn.pingFull()
test_outputs = ping_delays[0]
# Ignore unused variables below
# pylint: disable=W0612
node, dest, ping_outputs = test_outputs
sent, received, rttmin, rttavg, rttmax, rttdev = ping_outputs
pingFailMsg = 'sent %s pings, only received %s' % ( sent, received )
self.assertEqual( sent, received, msg=pingFailMsg )
# pylint: enable=W0612
loptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in lopts.items() )
msg = ( '\nTesting Link Delay of %s ms\n'
'ping results across 4 links:\n'
'(Sent, Received, rttmin, rttavg, rttmax, rttdev)\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'Link = TCLink\n'
'lopts = %s\n'
'host = default'
'switch = %s\n'
% ( DELAY_MS, ping_outputs, N, loptsStr, self.switchClass ) )
for rttval in [rttmin, rttavg, rttmax]:
# Multiply delay by 4 to cover there & back on two links
self.assertWithinTolerance( rttval, DELAY_MS * 4.0,
def testLinkLoss( self ):
"Verify that we see packet drops with a high configured loss rate."
REPS = 1
lopts = { 'loss': LOSS_PERCENT, 'use_htb': True }
mn = Mininet( topo=SingleSwitchOptionsTopo( n=N, lopts=lopts ),
host=CPULimitedHost, link=TCLink,
waitConnected=True )
# Drops are probabilistic, but the chance of no dropped packets is
# 1 in 100 million with 4 hops for a link w/99% loss.
dropped_total = 0
for _ in range(REPS):
dropped_total +='1')
loptsStr = ', '.join( '%s: %s' % ( opt, value )
for opt, value in lopts.items() )
msg = ( '\nTesting packet loss with %d%% loss rate\n'
'number of dropped pings during %s\n'
'expected number of dropped packets: 1\n'
'Topo = SingleSwitchTopo, %s hosts\n'
'Link = TCLink\n'
'lopts = %s\n'
'host = default\n'
'switch = %s\n'
% ( LOSS_PERCENT, dropped_total, N, loptsStr,
self.switchClass ) )
self.assertGreater( dropped_total, 0, msg )
def testMostOptions( self ):
"Verify topology creation with most link options and CPU limits."
lopts = { 'bw': 10, 'delay': '5ms', 'use_htb': True }
hopts = { 'cpu': 0.5 / N }
msg = '\nTesting many cpu and link options\n'
self.runOptionsTopoTest( N, msg, hopts=hopts, lopts=lopts )
# pylint: enable=E1101
class testOptionsTopoOVSKernel( testOptionsTopoCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"""Verify ability to create networks with host and link options
(OVS kernel switch)."""
longMessage = True
switchClass = OVSSwitch
@unittest.skip( 'Skipping OVS user switch test for now' )
class testOptionsTopoOVSUser( testOptionsTopoCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"""Verify ability to create networks with host and link options
(OVS user switch)."""
longMessage = True
switchClass = partial( OVSSwitch, datapath='user' )
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ivs-ctl' ), 'IVS is not installed' )
class testOptionsTopoIVS( testOptionsTopoCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Verify ability to create networks with host and link options (IVS)."
longMessage = True
switchClass = IVSSwitch
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ofprotocol' ),
'Reference user switch is not installed' )
class testOptionsTopoUserspace( testOptionsTopoCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"""Verify ability to create networks with host and link options
longMessage = True
switchClass = UserSwitch
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'warning' )

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Package: mininet
Test creation and all-pairs ping for each included mininet topo type."""
import unittest
import sys
from functools import partial
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import Host, Controller
from mininet.node import UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch
from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo, LinearTopo
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.util import quietRun
from mininet.clean import cleanup
# Tell pylint not to complain about calls to other class
# pylint: disable=E1101
class testSingleSwitchCommon( object ):
"Test ping with single switch topology (common code)."
switchClass = None # overridden in subclasses
def tearDown():
"Clean up if necessary"
if sys.exc_info() != ( None, None, None ):
def testMinimal( self ):
"Ping test on minimal topology"
mn = Mininet( SingleSwitchTopo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller,
waitConnected=True )
dropped = )
self.assertEqual( dropped, 0 )
def testSingle5( self ):
"Ping test on 5-host single-switch topology"
mn = Mininet( SingleSwitchTopo( k=5 ), self.switchClass, Host,
Controller, waitConnected=True )
dropped = )
self.assertEqual( dropped, 0 )
# pylint: enable=E1101
class testSingleSwitchOVSKernel( testSingleSwitchCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Test ping with single switch topology (OVS kernel switch)."
switchClass = OVSSwitch
class testSingleSwitchOVSUser( testSingleSwitchCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Test ping with single switch topology (OVS user switch)."
switchClass = partial( OVSSwitch, datapath='user' )
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ivs-ctl' ), 'IVS is not installed' )
class testSingleSwitchIVS( testSingleSwitchCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Test ping with single switch topology (IVS switch)."
switchClass = IVSSwitch
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ofprotocol' ),
'Reference user switch is not installed' )
class testSingleSwitchUserspace( testSingleSwitchCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Test ping with single switch topology (Userspace switch)."
switchClass = UserSwitch
# Tell pylint not to complain about calls to other class
# pylint: disable=E1101
class testLinearCommon( object ):
"Test all-pairs ping with LinearNet (common code)."
switchClass = None # overridden in subclasses
def testLinear5( self ):
"Ping test on a 5-switch topology"
mn = Mininet( LinearTopo( k=5 ), self.switchClass, Host,
Controller, waitConnected=True )
dropped = )
self.assertEqual( dropped, 0 )
# pylint: enable=E1101
class testLinearOVSKernel( testLinearCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Test all-pairs ping with LinearNet (OVS kernel switch)."
switchClass = OVSSwitch
class testLinearOVSUser( testLinearCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Test all-pairs ping with LinearNet (OVS user switch)."
switchClass = partial( OVSSwitch, datapath='user' )
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ivs-ctl' ), 'IVS is not installed' )
class testLinearIVS( testLinearCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Test all-pairs ping with LinearNet (IVS switch)."
switchClass = IVSSwitch
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ofprotocol' ),
'Reference user switch is not installed' )
class testLinearUserspace( testLinearCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
"Test all-pairs ping with LinearNet (Userspace switch)."
switchClass = UserSwitch
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'warning' )

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Regression test for pty leak in Node()
import unittest
from import Mininet
from mininet.clean import cleanup
from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo
class TestPtyLeak( unittest.TestCase ):
"Verify that there is no pty leakage"
def testPtyLeak():
"Test for pty leakage"
net = Mininet( SingleSwitchTopo() )
host = net[ 'h1' ]
for _ in range( 0, 10 ):
oldptys = host.slave, host.master
net.delHost( host )
host = net.addHost( 'h1' )
assert ( host.slave, host.master ) == oldptys
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Package: mininet
Regression tests for switch dpid assignment."""
import unittest
import sys
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import Host, Controller
from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.util import quietRun
from mininet.clean import cleanup
class TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS( unittest.TestCase ):
"Verify Switch dpid assignment."
switchClass = OVSSwitch # overridden in subclasses
def tearDown( self ):
"Clean up if necessary"
# satisfy pylint
assert self
if sys.exc_info() != ( None, None, None ):
def testDefaultDpid( self ):
"""Verify that the default dpid is assigned using a valid provided
canonical switchname if no dpid is passed in switch creation."""
net = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller )
switch = net.addSwitch( 's1' )
self.assertEqual( switch.defaultDpid(), switch.dpid )
def dpidFrom( self, num ):
"Compute default dpid from number"
fmt = ( '%0' + str( self.switchClass.dpidLen ) + 'x' )
return fmt % num
def testActualDpidAssignment( self ):
"""Verify that Switch dpid is the actual dpid assigned if dpid is
passed in switch creation."""
dpid = self.dpidFrom( 0xABCD )
net = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller )
switch = net.addSwitch( 's1', dpid=dpid )
self.assertEqual( switch.dpid, dpid )
def testDefaultDpidAssignmentFailure( self ):
"""Verify that Default dpid assignment raises an Exception if the
name of the switch does not contain a digit. Also verify the
exception message."""
net = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller )
with self.assertRaises( Exception ) as raises_cm:
net.addSwitch( 'A' )
self.assertTrue( 'Unable to derive '
'default datapath ID - please either specify a dpid '
'or use a canonical switch name such as s23.'
in str( raises_cm.exception ) )
def testDefaultDpidLen( self ):
"""Verify that Default dpid length is 16 characters consisting of
16 - len(hex of first string of contiguous digits passed in switch
name) 0's followed by hex of first string of contiguous digits passed
in switch name."""
net = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass, Host, Controller )
switch = net.addSwitch( 's123' )
self.assertEqual( switch.dpid, self.dpidFrom( 123 ) )
class OVSUser( OVSSwitch):
"OVS User Switch convenience class"
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
kwargs.update( datapath='user' )
OVSSwitch.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
class testSwitchOVSUser( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
"Test dpid assignment of OVS User Switch."
switchClass = OVSUser
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ivs-ctl' ),
'IVS switch is not installed' )
class testSwitchIVS( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
"Test dpid assignment of IVS switch."
switchClass = IVSSwitch
@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ofprotocol' ),
'Reference user switch is not installed' )
class testSwitchUserspace( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
"Test dpid assignment of Userspace switch."
switchClass = UserSwitch
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'warning' )

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Package: mininet
Test functions defined in mininet.util."""
import unittest
from mininet.util import quietRun
class testQuietRun( unittest.TestCase ):
"""Test quietRun that runs a command and returns its merged output from
def getEchoCmd( n ):
"Return a command that will print n characters"
return "echo -n " + "x" * n
def testEmpty( self ):
"Run a command that prints nothing"
output = quietRun(testQuietRun.getEchoCmd( 0 ) )
self.assertEqual( 0, len( output ) )
def testOneRead( self ):
"""Run a command whose output is entirely read on the first call if
each call reads at most 1024 characters
for n in [ 42, 1024 ]:
output = quietRun( testQuietRun.getEchoCmd( n ) )
self.assertEqual( n, len( output ) )
def testMultipleReads( self ):
"Run a command whose output is not entirely read on the first read"
for n in [ 1025, 4242 ]:
output = quietRun(testQuietRun.getEchoCmd( n ) )
self.assertEqual( n, len( output ) )
if __name__ == "__main__":

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Tests for the Mininet Walkthrough
TODO: missing xterm test
import os
import re
import unittest
from sys import stdout
from mininet.util import quietRun, pexpect, StrictVersion
from mininet.clean import cleanup
def tsharkVersion():
"Return tshark version"
versionStr = quietRun( 'tshark -v' )
versionMatch = re.findall( r'TShark[^\d]*(\d+.\d+.\d+)', versionStr )
return versionMatch[ 0 ]
# pylint doesn't understand pexpect.match, unfortunately!
# pylint:disable=maybe-no-member
class testWalkthrough( unittest.TestCase ):
"Test Mininet walkthrough"
prompt = 'mininet>'
def setup():
"Be paranoid and run cleanup() before each test"
# PART 1
def testHelp( self ):
"Check the usage message"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -h' )
index = p.expect( [ 'Usage: mn', pexpect.EOF ] )
self.assertEqual( index, 0 )
def testWireshark( self ):
"Use tshark to test the of dissector"
# Satisfy pylint
assert self
if StrictVersion( tsharkVersion() ) < StrictVersion( '1.12.0' ):
tshark = pexpect.spawn( 'tshark -i lo -R of' )
tshark = pexpect.spawn( 'tshark -i lo -Y openflow_v1' )
tshark.expect( [ 'Capturing on lo', "Capturing on 'Loopback" ] )
mn = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test pingall' )
mn.expect( '0% dropped' )
tshark.expect( [ '74 Hello', '74 of_hello', '74 Type: OFPT_HELLO' ] )
mn.expect( pexpect.EOF )
tshark.expect( 'aptured' ) # 'xx packets captured'
tshark.expect( pexpect.EOF )
def testBasic( self ):
"Test basic CLI commands (help, nodes, net, dump)"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
# help command
p.sendline( 'help' )
index = p.expect( [ 'commands', self.prompt ] )
self.assertEqual( index, 0, 'No output for "help" command')
# nodes command
p.sendline( 'nodes' )
p.expect( r'([chs]\d ?){4}' )
nodes = 0 ).split()
self.assertEqual( len( nodes ), 4, 'No nodes in "nodes" command')
p.expect( self.prompt )
# net command
p.sendline( 'net' )
expected = list( nodes )
while len( expected ) > 0:
index = p.expect( expected )
node = 0 )
expected.remove( node )
p.expect( '\n' )
self.assertEqual( len( expected ), 0, '"nodes" and "net" differ')
p.expect( self.prompt )
# dump command
p.sendline( 'dump' )
expected = [ r'<\w+ (%s)' % n for n in nodes ]
actual = []
for _ in nodes:
index = p.expect( expected )
node = 1 )
actual.append( node )
p.expect( '\n' )
self.assertEqual( actual.sort(), nodes.sort(),
'"nodes" and "dump" differ' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
def testHostCommands( self ):
"Test ifconfig and ps on h1 and s1"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
# Third pattern is a local interface beginning with 'eth' or 'en'
interfaces = [ r'h1-eth0[:\s]', r's1-eth1[:\s]',
r'[^-](eth|en)\w*\d[:\s]', r'lo[:\s]',
self.prompt ]
# h1 ifconfig
p.sendline( 'h1 ifconfig -a' )
ifcount = 0
while True:
index = p.expect( interfaces )
if index in (0, 3):
ifcount += 1
elif index == 1: 's1 interface displayed in "h1 ifconfig"' )
elif index == 2: 'eth0 displayed in "h1 ifconfig"' )
self.assertEqual( ifcount, 2, 'Missing interfaces on h1')
# s1 ifconfig
p.sendline( 's1 ifconfig -a' )
ifcount = 0
while True:
index = p.expect( interfaces )
if index == 0: 'h1 interface displayed in "s1 ifconfig"' )
elif index in (1, 2, 3):
ifcount += 1
self.assertTrue( ifcount >= 3, 'Missing interfaces on s1')
# h1 ps
p.sendline( "h1 ps -a | egrep -v 'ps|grep'" )
p.expect( self.prompt )
h1Output = p.before
# s1 ps
p.sendline( "s1 ps -a | egrep -v 'ps|grep'" )
p.expect( self.prompt )
s1Output = p.before
# strip command from ps output and compute diffs
h1Output = h1Output.split( '\n' )[ 1: ]
s1Output = s1Output.split( '\n' )[ 1: ]
diffs = set( h1Output ).difference( set( s1Output ) )
# allow up to two diffs to account for daemons, etc.
self.assertTrue( len( diffs ) <= 2,
'h1 and s1 "ps" output differ too much: %s' % diffs )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
def testConnectivity( self ):
"Test ping and pingall"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'h1 ping -c 1 h2' )
p.expect( '1 packets transmitted, 1 received' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'pingall' )
p.expect( '0% dropped' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
def testSimpleHTTP( self ):
"Start an HTTP server on h1 and wget from h2"
if 'Python 2' in quietRun( 'python --version' ):
httpserver = 'SimpleHTTPServer'
httpserver = 'http.server'
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w', logfile=stdout )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'h1 python -m %s 80 >& /dev/null &' % httpserver )
p.expect( self.prompt )
# The walkthrough doesn't specify a delay here, and
# we also don't read the output (also a possible problem),
# but for now let's wait a number of seconds to make
# it less likely to fail due to the race condition.
p.sendline( 'px from mininet.util import waitListening;'
'waitListening(h1, port=80, timeout=30)' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( ' h2 wget -O - h1' )
p.expect( '200 OK' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'h1 kill %python' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
# PART 2
def testRegressionRun( self ):
"Test pingpair (0% drop) and iperf (bw > 0) regression tests"
# test pingpair
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test pingpair' )
p.expect( '0% dropped' )
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
# test iperf
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test iperf' )
p.expect( r"Results: \['([\d\.]+) .bits/sec'," )
bw = float( 1 ) )
self.assertTrue( bw > 0 )
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
def testTopoChange( self ):
"Test pingall on single,3 and linear,4 topos"
# testing single,3
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test pingall --topo single,3' )
p.expect( r'(\d+)/(\d+) received')
received = int( 1 ) )
sent = int( 2 ) )
self.assertEqual( sent, 6, 'Wrong number of pings sent in single,3' )
self.assertEqual( sent, received, 'Dropped packets in single,3')
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
# testing linear,4
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test pingall --topo linear,4' )
p.expect( r'(\d+)/(\d+) received')
received = int( 1 ) )
sent = int( 2 ) )
self.assertEqual( sent, 12, 'Wrong number of pings sent in linear,4' )
self.assertEqual( sent, received, 'Dropped packets in linear,4')
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
def testLinkChange( self ):
"Test TCLink bw and delay"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w --link tc,bw=10,delay=10ms' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'h1 route && ping -c1 h2' )
# test bw
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'iperf' )
p.expect( r"Results: \['([\d\.]+) Mbits/sec'," )
bw = float( 1 ) )
self.assertTrue( bw < 10.1, 'Bandwidth %.2f >= 10.1 Mb/s' % bw )
self.assertTrue( bw > 9.0, 'Bandwidth %.2f <= 9 Mb/s' % bw )
p.expect( self.prompt )
# test delay
p.sendline( 'h1 ping -c 4 h2' )
p.expect( r'rtt min/avg/max/mdev = '
r'([\d\.]+)/([\d\.]+)/([\d\.]+)/([\d\.]+) ms' )
delay = float( 2 ) )
self.assertTrue( delay >= 40, 'Delay < 40ms' )
self.assertTrue( delay <= 50, 'Delay > 50ms' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
def testVerbosity( self ):
"Test debug and output verbosity"
# test output
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -v output' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
self.assertEqual( len( p.before ), 0, 'Too much output for "output"' )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
# test debug
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -v debug --test none' )
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
lines = p.before.split( '\n' )
self.assertTrue( len( lines ) > 70, "Debug output is too short" )
def testCustomTopo( self ):
"Start Mininet using a custom topo, then run pingall"
# Satisfy pylint
assert self
custom = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) )
custom = os.path.join( custom, '../../custom/' )
custom = os.path.normpath( custom )
p = pexpect.spawn(
'mn --custom %s --topo mytopo --test pingall' % custom )
p.expect( '0% dropped' )
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
def testStaticMAC( self ):
"Verify that MACs are set to easy to read numbers"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --mac' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
for i in range( 1, 3 ):
p.sendline( 'h%d ifconfig' % i )
p.expect( r'\s00:00:00:00:00:0%d\s' % i )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
def testSwitches( self ):
"Run iperf test using user and ovsk switches"
switches = [ 'user', 'ovsk' ]
for sw in switches:
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --switch %s --test iperf' % sw )
p.expect( r"Results: \['([\d\.]+) .bits/sec'," )
bw = float( 1 ) )
self.assertTrue( bw > 0 )
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
def testBenchmark( self ):
"Run benchmark and verify that it takes less than 2 seconds"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --test none' )
p.expect( r'completed in ([\d\.]+) seconds' )
time = float( 1 ) )
self.assertTrue( time < 2, 'Benchmark takes more than 2 seconds' )
def testOwnNamespace( self ):
"Test running user switch in its own namespace"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn --innamespace --switch user' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
interfaces = [ r'h1-eth0[:\s]', r's1-eth1[:\s]',
r'[^-](eth|en)\w*\d[:\s]', r'lo[:\s]',
self.prompt ]
p.sendline( 's1 ifconfig -a' )
ifcount = 0
while True:
index = p.expect( interfaces )
if index in (1, 3):
ifcount += 1
elif index == 0: 'h1 interface displayed in "s1 ifconfig"' )
elif index == 2: 'eth0 displayed in "s1 ifconfig"' )
self.assertEqual( ifcount, 2, 'Missing interfaces on s1' )
# verify that all hosts a reachable
p.sendline( 'pingall' )
p.expect( r'(\d+)% dropped' )
dropped = int( 1 ) )
self.assertEqual( dropped, 0, 'pingall failed')
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
# PART 3
def testPythonInterpreter( self ):
"Test py and px by checking IP for h1 and adding h3"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
# test host IP
p.sendline( 'py h1.IP()' )
p.expect( '' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
# test adding host
p.sendline( "px net.addHost('h3')" )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( "px net.addLink(s1, h3)" )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'net' )
p.expect( 'h3' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'py h3.MAC()' )
p.expect( '([a-f0-9]{2}:?){6}' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
def testLink( self ):
"Test link CLI command using ping"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'mn -w' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'link s1 h1 down' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'h1 ping -c 1 h2' )
p.expect( 'unreachable' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'link s1 h1 up' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'h1 ping -c 1 h2' )
p.expect( '0% packet loss' )
p.expect( self.prompt )
p.sendline( 'exit' )
@unittest.skipUnless( os.path.exists( '/tmp/pox' ) or
'1 received' in quietRun( 'ping -c 1' ),
'Github is not reachable; cannot download Pox' )
def testRemoteController( self ):
"Test Mininet using Pox controller"
# Satisfy pylint
assert self
if not os.path.exists( '/tmp/pox' ):
p = pexpect.spawn(
'git clone /tmp/pox' )
p.expect( pexpect.EOF )
pox = pexpect.spawn( '/tmp/pox/ forwarding.l2_learning' )
net = pexpect.spawn(
'mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6633 --test pingall' )
net.expect( '0% dropped' )
net.expect( pexpect.EOF )
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""@package topo
Network topology creation.
@author Brandon Heller (
This package includes code to represent network topologies.
A Topo object can be a topology database for NOX, can represent a physical
setup for testing, and can even be emulated with the Mininet package.
from mininet.util import irange, natural, naturalSeq
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
class MultiGraph( object ):
"Utility class to track nodes and edges - replaces networkx.MultiGraph"
def __init__( self ):
self.node = {}
self.edge = {}
def add_node( self, node, attr_dict=None, **attrs):
"""Add node to graph
attr_dict: attribute dict (optional)
attrs: more attributes (optional)
warning: updates attr_dict with attrs"""
attr_dict = {} if attr_dict is None else attr_dict
attr_dict.update( attrs )
self.node[ node ] = attr_dict
def add_edge( self, src, dst, key=None, attr_dict=None, **attrs ):
"""Add edge to graph
key: optional key
attr_dict: optional attribute dict
attrs: more attributes
warning: updates attr_dict with attrs"""
attr_dict = {} if attr_dict is None else attr_dict
attr_dict.update( attrs )
self.node.setdefault( src, {} )
self.node.setdefault( dst, {} )
self.edge.setdefault( src, {} )
self.edge.setdefault( dst, {} )
self.edge[ src ].setdefault( dst, {} )
entry = self.edge[ dst ][ src ] = self.edge[ src ][ dst ]
# If no key, pick next ordinal number
if key is None:
keys = [ k for k in entry.keys() if isinstance( k, int ) ]
key = max( [ 0 ] + keys ) + 1
entry[ key ] = attr_dict
return key
def nodes( self, data=False):
"""Return list of graph nodes
data: return list of ( node, attrs)"""
return self.node.items() if data else self.node.keys()
def edges_iter( self, data=False, keys=False ):
"Iterator: return graph edges, optionally with data and keys"
for src, entry in self.edge.items():
for dst, entrykeys in entry.items():
if src > dst:
# Skip duplicate edges
for k, attrs in entrykeys.items():
if data:
if keys:
yield( src, dst, k, attrs )
yield( src, dst, attrs )
if keys:
yield( src, dst, k )
yield( src, dst )
def edges( self, data=False, keys=False ):
"Return list of graph edges"
return list( self.edges_iter( data=data, keys=keys ) )
def __getitem__( self, node ):
"Return link dict for given src node"
return self.edge[ node ]
def __len__( self ):
"Return the number of nodes"
return len( self.node )
def convertTo( self, cls, data=False, keys=False ):
"""Convert to a new object of networkx.MultiGraph-like class cls
data: include node and edge data
keys: include edge keys as well as edge data"""
g = cls()
g.add_nodes_from( self.nodes( data=data ) )
g.add_edges_from( self.edges( data=( data or keys ), keys=keys ) )
return g
class Topo( object ):
"Data center network representation for structured multi-trees."
def __init__( self, *args, **params ):
"""Topo object.
Optional named parameters:
hinfo: default host options
sopts: default switch options
lopts: default link options
calls build()"""
self.g = MultiGraph()
self.hopts = params.pop( 'hopts', {} )
self.sopts = params.pop( 'sopts', {} )
self.lopts = params.pop( 'lopts', {} )
# ports[src][dst][sport] is port on dst that connects to src
self.ports = {} *args, **params )
def build( self, *args, **params ):
"Override this method to build your topology."
def addNode( self, name, **opts ):
"""Add Node to graph.
name: name
opts: node options
returns: node name"""
self.g.add_node( name, **opts )
return name
def addHost( self, name, **opts ):
"""Convenience method: Add host to graph.
name: host name
opts: host options
returns: host name"""
if not opts and self.hopts:
opts = self.hopts
return self.addNode( name, **opts )
def addSwitch( self, name, **opts ):
"""Convenience method: Add switch to graph.
name: switch name
opts: switch options
returns: switch name"""
if not opts and self.sopts:
opts = self.sopts
result = self.addNode( name, isSwitch=True, **opts )
return result
def addLink( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
key=None, **opts ):
"""node1, node2: nodes to link together
port1, port2: ports (optional)
opts: link options (optional)
returns: link info key"""
if not opts and self.lopts:
opts = self.lopts
port1, port2 = self.addPort( node1, node2, port1, port2 )
opts = dict( opts )
opts.update( node1=node1, node2=node2, port1=port1, port2=port2 )
return self.g.add_edge(node1, node2, key, opts )
def nodes( self, sort=True ):
"Return nodes in graph"
if sort:
return self.sorted( self.g.nodes() )
return self.g.nodes()
def isSwitch( self, n ):
"Returns true if node is a switch."
return self.g.node[ n ].get( 'isSwitch', False )
def switches( self, sort=True ):
"""Return switches.
sort: sort switches alphabetically
returns: dpids list of dpids"""
return [ n for n in self.nodes( sort ) if self.isSwitch( n ) ]
def hosts( self, sort=True ):
"""Return hosts.
sort: sort hosts alphabetically
returns: list of hosts"""
return [ n for n in self.nodes( sort ) if not self.isSwitch( n ) ]
def iterLinks( self, withKeys=False, withInfo=False ):
"""Return links (iterator)
withKeys: return link keys
withInfo: return link info
returns: list of ( src, dst [,key, info ] )"""
for _src, _dst, key, info in self.g.edges_iter( data=True, keys=True ):
node1, node2 = info[ 'node1' ], info[ 'node2' ]
if withKeys:
if withInfo:
yield( node1, node2, key, info )
yield( node1, node2, key )
if withInfo:
yield( node1, node2, info )
yield( node1, node2 )
def links( self, sort=False, withKeys=False, withInfo=False ):
"""Return links
sort: sort links alphabetically, preserving (src, dst) order
withKeys: return link keys
withInfo: return link info
returns: list of ( src, dst [,key, info ] )"""
links = list( self.iterLinks( withKeys, withInfo ) )
if not sort:
return links
# Ignore info when sorting
tupleSize = 3 if withKeys else 2
return sorted( links, key=( lambda l: naturalSeq( l[ :tupleSize ] ) ) )
# This legacy port management mechanism is clunky and will probably
# be removed at some point.
def addPort( self, src, dst, sport=None, dport=None ):
"""Generate port mapping for new edge.
src: source switch name
dst: destination switch name"""
# Initialize if necessary
ports = self.ports
ports.setdefault( src, {} )
ports.setdefault( dst, {} )
# New port: number of outlinks + base
if sport is None:
src_base = 1 if self.isSwitch( src ) else 0
sport = len( ports[ src ] ) + src_base
if dport is None:
dst_base = 1 if self.isSwitch( dst ) else 0
dport = len( ports[ dst ] ) + dst_base
ports[ src ][ sport ] = ( dst, dport )
ports[ dst ][ dport ] = ( src, sport )
return sport, dport
def port( self, src, dst ):
"""Get port numbers.
src: source switch name
dst: destination switch name
sport: optional source port (otherwise use lowest src port)
returns: tuple (sport, dport), where
sport = port on source switch leading to the destination switch
dport = port on destination switch leading to the source switch
Note that you can also look up ports using linkInfo()"""
# A bit ugly and slow vs. single-link implementation ;-(
ports = [ ( sport, entry[ 1 ] )
for sport, entry in self.ports[ src ].items()
if entry[ 0 ] == dst ]
return ports if len( ports ) != 1 else ports[ 0 ]
def _linkEntry( self, src, dst, key=None ):
"Helper function: return link entry and key"
entry = self.g[ src ][ dst ]
if key is None:
key = min( entry )
return entry, key
def linkInfo( self, src, dst, key=None ):
"Return link metadata dict"
entry, key = self._linkEntry( src, dst, key )
return entry[ key ]
def setlinkInfo( self, src, dst, info, key=None ):
"Set link metadata dict"
entry, key = self._linkEntry( src, dst, key )
entry[ key ] = info
def nodeInfo( self, name ):
"Return metadata (dict) for node"
return self.g.node[ name ]
def setNodeInfo( self, name, info ):
"Set metadata (dict) for node"
self.g.node[ name ] = info
def convertTo( self, cls, data=True, keys=True ):
"""Convert to a new object of networkx.MultiGraph-like class cls
data: include node and edge data (default True)
keys: include edge keys as well as edge data (default True)"""
return self.g.convertTo( cls, data=data, keys=keys )
def sorted( items ):
"Items sorted in natural (i.e. alphabetical) order"
return sorted( items, key=natural )
# Our idiom defines additional parameters in build(param...)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
class SingleSwitchTopo( Topo ):
"Single switch connected to k hosts."
def build( self, k=2, **_opts ):
"k: number of hosts"
self.k = k
switch = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
for h in irange( 1, k ):
host = self.addHost( 'h%s' % h )
self.addLink( host, switch )
class SingleSwitchReversedTopo( Topo ):
"""Single switch connected to k hosts, with reversed ports.
The lowest-numbered host is connected to the highest-numbered port.
Useful to verify that Mininet properly handles custom port
def build( self, k=2 ):
"k: number of hosts"
self.k = k
switch = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
for h in irange( 1, k ):
host = self.addHost( 'h%s' % h )
self.addLink( host, switch,
port1=0, port2=( k - h + 1 ) )
class MinimalTopo( SingleSwitchTopo ):
"Minimal topology with two hosts and one switch"
def build( self ):
return self, k=2 )
class LinearTopo( Topo ):
"Linear topology of k switches, with n hosts per switch."
def build( self, k=2, n=1, **_opts):
"""k: number of switches
n: number of hosts per switch"""
self.k = k
self.n = n
if n == 1:
def genHostName( i, _j ):
return 'h%s' % i
def genHostName( i, j ):
return 'h%ss%d' % ( j, i )
lastSwitch = None
for i in irange( 1, k ):
# Add switch
switch = self.addSwitch( 's%s' % i )
# Add hosts to switch
for j in irange( 1, n ):
host = self.addHost( genHostName( i, j ) )
self.addLink( host, switch )
# Connect switch to previous
if lastSwitch:
self.addLink( switch, lastSwitch )
lastSwitch = switch
# pylint: enable=arguments-differ

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
"Library of potentially useful topologies for Mininet"
from mininet.topo import Topo
from import Mininet
# The build() method is expected to do this:
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
class TreeTopo( Topo ):
"Topology for a tree network with a given depth and fanout."
def build( self, depth=1, fanout=2 ):
# Numbering: h1..N, s1..M
self.hostNum = 1
self.switchNum = 1
# Build topology
self.addTree( depth, fanout )
def addTree( self, depth, fanout ):
"""Add a subtree starting with node n.
returns: last node added"""
isSwitch = depth > 0
if isSwitch:
node = self.addSwitch( 's%s' % self.switchNum )
self.switchNum += 1
for _ in range( fanout ):
child = self.addTree( depth - 1, fanout )
self.addLink( node, child )
node = self.addHost( 'h%s' % self.hostNum )
self.hostNum += 1
return node
def TreeNet( depth=1, fanout=2, **kwargs ):
"Convenience function for creating tree networks."
topo = TreeTopo( depth, fanout )
return Mininet( topo, **kwargs )
class TorusTopo( Topo ):
"""2-D Torus topology
WARNING: this topology has LOOPS and WILL NOT WORK
with the default controller or any Ethernet bridge
without STP turned on! It can be used with STP, e.g.:
# mn --topo torus,3,3 --switch lxbr,stp=1 --test pingall"""
def build( self, x, y, n=1 ):
"""x: dimension of torus in x-direction
y: dimension of torus in y-direction
n: number of hosts per switch"""
if x < 3 or y < 3:
raise Exception( 'Please use 3x3 or greater for compatibility '
'with 2.1' )
if n == 1:
def genHostName( loc, _k ):
return 'h%s' % ( loc )
def genHostName( loc, k ):
return 'h%sx%d' % ( loc, k )
hosts, switches, dpid = {}, {}, 0
# Create and wire interior
for i in range( 0, x ):
for j in range( 0, y ):
loc = '%dx%d' % ( i + 1, j + 1 )
# dpid cannot be zero for OVS
dpid = ( i + 1 ) * 256 + ( j + 1 )
switch = switches[ i, j ] = self.addSwitch(
's' + loc, dpid='%x' % dpid )
for k in range( 0, n ):
host = hosts[ i, j, k ] = self.addHost(
genHostName( loc, k + 1 ) )
self.addLink( host, switch )
# Connect switches
for i in range( 0, x ):
for j in range( 0, y ):
sw1 = switches[ i, j ]
sw2 = switches[ i, ( j + 1 ) % y ]
sw3 = switches[ ( i + 1 ) % x, j ]
self.addLink( sw1, sw2 )
self.addLink( sw1, sw3 )
# pylint: enable=arguments-differ

@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
"Utility functions for Mininet."
import codecs
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from fcntl import fcntl, F_GETFL, F_SETFL
from functools import partial
from os import O_NONBLOCK
from resource import getrlimit, setrlimit, RLIMIT_NPROC, RLIMIT_NOFILE
from select import poll, POLLIN, POLLHUP
from subprocess import call, check_call, Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from sys import exit # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from time import sleep
from mininet.log import output, info, error, warn, debug
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# Python 2/3 compatibility
Python3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
BaseString = str if Python3 else getattr( str, '__base__' )
Encoding = 'utf-8' if Python3 else None
class NullCodec( object ):
"Null codec for Python 2"
def decode( buf ):
"Null decode"
return buf
def encode( buf ):
"Null encode"
return buf
if Python3:
def decode( buf ):
"Decode buffer for Python 3"
return buf.decode( Encoding )
def encode( buf ):
"Encode buffer for Python 3"
return buf.encode( Encoding )
getincrementaldecoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder( Encoding )
decode, encode = NullCodec.decode, NullCodec.encode
def getincrementaldecoder():
"Return null codec for Python 2"
return NullCodec
import packaging.version # replacement for distutils.version
StrictVersion = packaging.version.parse
except ImportError: # python2.7 lacks ModuleNotFoundError
import distutils.version # pylint: disable=deprecated-module
StrictVersion = distutils.version.StrictVersion
oldpexpect = None
import pexpect as oldpexpect # pylint: disable=import-error
class Pexpect( object ):
"Custom pexpect that is compatible with str"
def spawn( *args, **kwargs):
"pexpect.spawn that is compatible with str"
if Python3 and 'encoding' not in kwargs:
kwargs.update( encoding='utf-8' )
return oldpexpect.spawn( *args, **kwargs )
def __getattr__( self, name ):
return getattr( oldpexpect, name )
pexpect = Pexpect()
except ImportError:
# Command execution support
def run( cmd ):
"""Simple interface to
cmd: list of command params"""
return call( cmd.split( ' ' ) )
def checkRun( cmd ):
"""Simple interface to subprocess.check_call()
cmd: list of command params"""
return check_call( cmd.split( ' ' ) )
# pylint doesn't understand explicit type checking
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
def oldQuietRun( *cmd ):
"""Run a command, routing stderr to stdout, and return the output.
cmd: list of command params"""
if len( cmd ) == 1:
cmd = cmd[ 0 ]
if isinstance( cmd, BaseString ):
cmd = cmd.split( ' ' )
out = ''
popen = Popen( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT )
# We can't use Popen.communicate() because it uses
# select(), which can't handle
# high file descriptor numbers! poll() can, however.
readable = poll()
readable.register( popen.stdout )
while True:
while readable.poll():
data = 1024 )
if len( data ) == 0:
out += data
if popen.returncode is not None:
return out
# This is a bit complicated, but it enables us to
# monitor command output as it is happening
CmdResult = namedtuple( 'CmdResult', 'out err ret' )
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
def errRun( *cmd, **kwargs ):
"""Run a command and return stdout, stderr and return code
cmd: string or list of command and args
stderr: STDOUT to merge stderr with stdout
shell: run command using shell
echo: monitor output to console"""
# By default we separate stderr, don't run in a shell, and don't echo
stderr = kwargs.get( 'stderr', PIPE )
shell = kwargs.get( 'shell', False )
echo = kwargs.get( 'echo', False )
if echo:
# cmd goes to stderr, output goes to stdout
info( cmd, '\n' )
if len( cmd ) == 1:
cmd = cmd[ 0 ]
# Allow passing in a list or a string
if isinstance( cmd, BaseString ) and not shell:
cmd = cmd.split( ' ' )
cmd = [ str( arg ) for arg in cmd ]
elif isinstance( cmd, list ) and shell:
cmd = " ".join( arg for arg in cmd )
debug( '*** errRun:', cmd, '\n' )
# pylint: disable=consider-using-with
popen = Popen( cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, shell=shell )
# We use poll() because select() doesn't work with large fd numbers,
# and thus communicate() doesn't work either
out, err = '', ''
poller = poll()
poller.register( popen.stdout, POLLIN )
fdToFile = { popen.stdout.fileno(): popen.stdout }
fdToDecoder = { popen.stdout.fileno(): getincrementaldecoder() }
outDone, errDone = False, True
if popen.stderr:
fdToFile[ popen.stderr.fileno() ] = popen.stderr
fdToDecoder[ popen.stderr.fileno() ] = getincrementaldecoder()
poller.register( popen.stderr, POLLIN )
errDone = False
while not outDone or not errDone:
readable = poller.poll()
for fd, event in readable:
f = fdToFile[ fd ]
decoder = fdToDecoder[ fd ]
if event & ( POLLIN | POLLHUP ):
data = decoder.decode( 1024 ) )
if echo:
output( data )
if f == popen.stdout:
out += data
if data == '':
outDone = True
elif f == popen.stderr:
err += data
if data == '':
errDone = True
else: # something unexpected
if f == popen.stdout:
outDone = True
elif f == popen.stderr:
errDone = True
poller.unregister( fd )
returncode = popen.wait()
# Python 3 complains if we don't explicitly close these
if stderr == PIPE:
debug( out, err, returncode )
return CmdResult( out, err, returncode )
# pylint: enable=too-many-branches
def errFail( *cmd, **kwargs ):
"Run a command using errRun and raise exception on nonzero exit"
out, err, ret = errRun( *cmd, **kwargs )
if ret:
raise Exception( "errFail: %s failed with return code %s: %s"
% ( cmd, ret, err ) )
return CmdResult( out, err, ret )
def quietRun( cmd, **kwargs ):
"Run a command and return merged stdout and stderr"
return errRun( cmd, stderr=STDOUT, **kwargs ).out
def which(cmd, **kwargs ):
"Run a command and return merged stdout and stderr"
out, _, ret = errRun( ["which", cmd], stderr=STDOUT, **kwargs )
return out.rstrip() if ret == 0 else None
# pylint: enable=maybe-no-member
def isShellBuiltin( cmd ):
"Return True if cmd is a bash builtin."
if isShellBuiltin.builtIns is None:
isShellBuiltin.builtIns = set(quietRun( 'bash -c enable' ).split())
space = cmd.find( ' ' )
if space > 0:
cmd = cmd[ :space]
return cmd in isShellBuiltin.builtIns
isShellBuiltin.builtIns = None
# Interface management
# Interfaces are managed as strings which are simply the
# interface names, of the form 'nodeN-ethM'.
# To connect nodes, we create a pair of veth interfaces, and then place them
# in the pair of nodes that we want to communicate. We then update the node's
# list of interfaces and connectivity map.
# For the kernel datapath, switch interfaces
# live in the root namespace and thus do not have to be
# explicitly moved.
def makeIntfPair( intf1, intf2, addr1=None, addr2=None, node1=None, node2=None,
deleteIntfs=True, runCmd=None ):
"""Make a veth pair connnecting new interfaces intf1 and intf2
intf1: name for interface 1
intf2: name for interface 2
addr1: MAC address for interface 1 (optional)
addr2: MAC address for interface 2 (optional)
node1: home node for interface 1 (optional)
node2: home node for interface 2 (optional)
deleteIntfs: delete intfs before creating them
runCmd: function to run shell commands (quietRun)
raises Exception on failure"""
if not runCmd:
runCmd = quietRun if not node1 else node1.cmd
runCmd2 = quietRun if not node2 else node2.cmd
if deleteIntfs:
# Delete any old interfaces with the same names
runCmd( 'ip link del ' + intf1 )
runCmd2( 'ip link del ' + intf2 )
# Create new pair
netns = 1 if not node2 else
if addr1 is None and addr2 is None:
cmdOutput = runCmd( 'ip link add name %s '
'type veth peer name %s '
'netns %s' % ( intf1, intf2, netns ) )
cmdOutput = runCmd( 'ip link add name %s '
'address %s '
'type veth peer name %s '
'address %s '
'netns %s' %
( intf1, addr1, intf2, addr2, netns ) )
if cmdOutput:
raise Exception( "Error creating interface pair (%s,%s): %s " %
( intf1, intf2, cmdOutput ) )
def retry( retries, delaySecs, fn, *args, **keywords ):
"""Try something several times before giving up.
n: number of times to retry
delaySecs: wait this long between tries
fn: function to call
args: args to apply to function call"""
tries = 0
while not fn( *args, **keywords ) and tries < retries:
sleep( delaySecs )
tries += 1
if tries >= retries:
error( "*** gave up after %i retries\n" % tries )
exit( 1 )
def moveIntfNoRetry( intf, dstNode, printError=False ):
"""Move interface to node, without retrying.
intf: string, interface
dstNode: destination Node
printError: if true, print error"""
intf = str( intf )
cmd = 'ip link set %s netns %s' % ( intf, )
cmdOutput = quietRun( cmd )
# If ip link set does not produce any output, then we can assume
# that the link has been moved successfully.
if cmdOutput:
if printError:
error( '*** Error: moveIntf: ' + intf +
' not successfully moved to ' + + ':\n',
cmdOutput )
return False
return True
def moveIntf( intf, dstNode, printError=True,
retries=3, delaySecs=0.001 ):
"""Move interface to node, retrying on failure.
intf: string, interface
dstNode: destination Node
printError: if true, print error"""
retry( retries, delaySecs, moveIntfNoRetry, intf, dstNode,
printError=printError )
# Support for dumping network
def dumpNodeConnections( nodes ):
"Dump connections to/from nodes."
def dumpConnections( node ):
"Helper function: dump connections to node"
for intf in node.intfList():
output( ' %s:' % intf )
intfs = [, ]
intfs.remove( intf )
output( intfs[ 0 ] )
output( ' ' )
for node in nodes:
output( )
dumpConnections( node )
output( '\n' )
def dumpNetConnections( net ):
"Dump connections in network"
nodes = net.controllers + net.switches + net.hosts
dumpNodeConnections( nodes )
def dumpPorts( switches ):
"dump interface to openflow port mappings for each switch"
for switch in switches:
output( '%s ' % )
for intf in switch.intfList():
port = switch.ports[ intf ]
output( '%s:%d ' % ( intf, port ) )
output( '\n' )
# IP and Mac address formatting and parsing
def _colonHex( val, bytecount ):
"""Generate colon-hex string.
val: input as unsigned int
bytecount: number of bytes to convert
returns: chStr colon-hex string"""
pieces = []
for i in range( bytecount - 1, -1, -1 ):
piece = ( ( 0xff << ( i * 8 ) ) & val ) >> ( i * 8 )
pieces.append( '%02x' % piece )
chStr = ':'.join( pieces )
return chStr
def macColonHex( mac ):
"""Generate MAC colon-hex string from unsigned int.
mac: MAC address as unsigned int
returns: macStr MAC colon-hex string"""
return _colonHex( mac, 6 )
def ipStr( ip ):
"""Generate IP address string from an unsigned int.
ip: unsigned int of form w << 24 | x << 16 | y << 8 | z
returns: ip address string w.x.y.z"""
w = ( ip >> 24 ) & 0xff
x = ( ip >> 16 ) & 0xff
y = ( ip >> 8 ) & 0xff
z = ip & 0xff
return "%i.%i.%i.%i" % ( w, x, y, z )
def ipNum( w, x, y, z ):
"""Generate unsigned int from components of IP address
returns: w << 24 | x << 16 | y << 8 | z"""
return ( w << 24 ) | ( x << 16 ) | ( y << 8 ) | z
def ipAdd( i, prefixLen=8, ipBaseNum=0x0a000000 ):
"""Return IP address string from ints
i: int to be added to ipbase
prefixLen: optional IP prefix length
ipBaseNum: option base IP address as int
returns IP address as string"""
imax = 0xffffffff >> prefixLen
assert i <= imax, 'Not enough IP addresses in the subnet'
mask = 0xffffffff ^ imax
ipnum = ( ipBaseNum & mask ) + i
return ipStr( ipnum )
def ipParse( ip ):
"Parse an IP address and return an unsigned int."
args = [ int( arg ) for arg in ip.split( '.' ) ]
while len(args) < 4:
args.insert( len(args) - 1, 0 )
return ipNum( *args )
def netParse( ipstr ):
"""Parse an IP network specification, returning
address and prefix len as unsigned ints"""
prefixLen = 0
if '/' in ipstr:
ip, pf = ipstr.split( '/' )
prefixLen = int( pf )
# if no prefix is specified, set the prefix to 24
ip = ipstr
prefixLen = 24
return ipParse( ip ), prefixLen
def checkInt( s ):
"Check if input string is an int"
int( s )
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def checkFloat( s ):
"Check if input string is a float"
float( s )
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def makeNumeric( s ):
"Convert string to int or float if numeric."
if checkInt( s ):
return int( s )
elif checkFloat( s ):
return float( s )
return s
# Popen support
def pmonitor(popens, timeoutms=500, readline=True,
readmax=1024 ):
"""Monitor dict of hosts to popen objects
a line at a time
timeoutms: timeout for poll()
readline: return single line of output
yields: host, line/output (if any)
terminates: when all EOFs received"""
poller = poll()
fdToHost = {}
fdToDecoder = {}
for host, popen in popens.items():
fd = popen.stdout.fileno()
fdToHost[ fd ] = host
fdToDecoder[ fd ] = getincrementaldecoder()
poller.register( fd, POLLIN )
flags = fcntl( fd, F_GETFL )
fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK )
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
while popens:
fds = poller.poll( timeoutms )
if fds:
for fd, event in fds:
host = fdToHost[ fd ]
decoder = fdToDecoder[ fd ]
popen = popens[ host ]
if event & ( POLLIN | POLLHUP ):
while True:
f = popen.stdout
line = decoder.decode( f.readline() if readline
else readmax ) )
except IOError:
line = ''
if line == '':
yield host, line
if event & POLLHUP:
poller.unregister( fd )
del popens[ host ]
yield None, ''
# Other stuff we use
def sysctlTestAndSet( name, limit ):
"Helper function to set sysctl limits"
# convert non-directory names into directory names
if '/' not in name:
name = '/proc/sys/' + name.replace( '.', '/' )
# read limit
with open( name, 'r' ) as readFile:
oldLimit = readFile.readline()
if isinstance( limit, int ):
# compare integer limits before overriding
if int( oldLimit ) < limit:
with open( name, 'w' ) as writeFile:
writeFile.write( "%d" % limit )
# overwrite non-integer limits
with open( name, 'w' ) as writeFile:
writeFile.write( limit )
def rlimitTestAndSet( name, limit ):
"Helper function to set rlimits"
soft, hard = getrlimit( name )
if soft < limit:
hardLimit = hard if limit < hard else limit
setrlimit( name, ( limit, hardLimit ) )
def fixLimits():
"Fix ridiculously small resource limits."
debug( "*** Setting resource limits\n" )
rlimitTestAndSet( RLIMIT_NPROC, 8192 )
rlimitTestAndSet( RLIMIT_NOFILE, 16384 )
# Increase open file limit
sysctlTestAndSet( 'fs.file-max', 10000 )
# Increase network buffer space
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.core.wmem_max', 16777216 )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.core.rmem_max', 16777216 )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.tcp_rmem', '10240 87380 16777216' )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.tcp_wmem', '10240 87380 16777216' )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.core.netdev_max_backlog', 5000 )
# Increase arp cache size
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1', 4096 )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2', 8192 )
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3', 16384 )
# Increase routing table size
sysctlTestAndSet( 'net.ipv4.route.max_size', 32768 )
# Increase number of PTYs for nodes
sysctlTestAndSet( 'kernel.pty.max', 20000 )
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception:
warn( "*** Error setting resource limits. "
"Mininet's performance may be affected.\n" )
# pylint: enable=broad-except
def mountCgroups( cgcontrol='cpu cpuacct cpuset' ):
"""Mount cgroupfs if needed and return cgroup version
cgcontrol: cgroup controllers to check ('cpu cpuacct cpuset')
Returns: 'cgroup' | 'cgroup2' """
# Try to read the cgroup controllers in cgcontrol
cglist = cgcontrol.split()
paths = ' '.join( '-g ' + c for c in cglist )
cmd = 'cgget -n %s /' % paths
result = errRun( cmd )
# If it failed, mount cgroupfs and retry
if result.ret or result.err or any(
c not in result.out for c in cglist ):
errFail( 'cgroupfs-mount' )
result = errRun( cmd )
errFail( cmd )
# cpu.cfs_period_us is used for cgroup but not cgroup2
if 'cpu.cfs_period_us' in result.out:
return 'cgroup'
return 'cgroup2'
def natural( text ):
"To sort sanely/alphabetically: sorted( l, key=natural )"
def num( s ):
"Convert text segment to int if necessary"
return int( s ) if s.isdigit() else s
return [ num( s ) for s in re.split( r'(\d+)', str( text ) ) ]
def naturalSeq( t ):
"Natural sort key function for sequences"
return [ natural( x ) for x in t ]
def numCores():
"Returns number of CPU cores based on /proc/cpuinfo"
if hasattr( numCores, 'ncores' ):
return numCores.ncores
numCores.ncores = int( quietRun('grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo') )
except ValueError:
return 0
return numCores.ncores
def irange(start, end):
"""Inclusive range from start to end (vs. Python insanity.)
irange(1,5) -> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5"""
return range( start, end + 1 )
def custom( cls, **params ):
"Returns customized constructor for class cls."
# Note: we may wish to see if we can use functools.partial() here
# and in customConstructor
def customized( *args, **kwargs):
"Customized constructor"
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
kwargs.update( params )
return cls( *args, **kwargs )
customized.__name__ = 'custom(%s,%s)' % ( cls, params )
return customized
def splitArgs( argstr ):
"""Split argument string into usable python arguments
argstr: argument string with format fn,arg2,kw1=arg3...
returns: fn, args, kwargs"""
split = argstr.split( ',' )
fn = split[ 0 ]
params = split[ 1: ]
# Convert int and float args; removes the need for function
# to be flexible with input arg formats.
args = [ makeNumeric( s ) for s in params if '=' not in s ]
kwargs = {}
for s in [ p for p in params if '=' in p ]:
key, val = s.split( '=', 1 )
kwargs[ key ] = makeNumeric( val )
return fn, args, kwargs
def customClass( classes, argStr ):
"""Return customized class based on argStr
The args and key/val pairs in argStr will be automatically applied
when the generated class is later used.
cname, args, kwargs = splitArgs( argStr )
cls = classes.get( cname, None )
if not cls:
raise Exception( "error: %s is unknown - please specify one of %s" %
( cname, classes.keys() ) )
if not args and not kwargs:
return cls
return specialClass( cls, append=args, defaults=kwargs )
def specialClass( cls, prepend=None, append=None,
defaults=None, override=None ):
"""Like functools.partial, but it returns a class
prepend: arguments to prepend to argument list
append: arguments to append to argument list
defaults: default values for keyword arguments
override: keyword arguments to override"""
if prepend is None:
prepend = []
if append is None:
append = []
if defaults is None:
defaults = {}
if override is None:
override = {}
class CustomClass( cls ):
"Customized subclass with preset args/params"
def __init__( self, *args, **params ):
newparams = defaults.copy()
newparams.update( params )
newparams.update( override )
cls.__init__( self, *( list( prepend ) + list( args ) +
list( append ) ),
**newparams )
CustomClass.__name__ = '%s%s' % ( cls.__name__, defaults )
return CustomClass
def buildTopo( topos, topoStr ):
"""Create topology from string with format (object, arg1, arg2,...).
input topos is a dict of topo names to constructors, possibly w/args.
topo, args, kwargs = splitArgs( topoStr )
if topo not in topos:
raise Exception( 'Invalid topo name %s' % topo )
return topos[ topo ]( *args, **kwargs )
def ensureRoot():
"""Ensure that we are running as root.
Probably we should only sudo when needed as per Big Switch's patch.
if os.getuid() != 0:
error( '*** Mininet must run as root.\n' )
exit( 1 )
def waitListening( client=None, server='', port=80, timeout=None ):
"""Wait until server is listening on port.
returns True if server is listening"""
runCmd = ( client.cmd if client else
partial( quietRun, shell=True ) )
if not runCmd( 'which telnet' ):
raise Exception('Could not find telnet' )
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
serverIP = server if isinstance( server, BaseString ) else server.IP()
cmd = ( 'echo A | telnet -e A %s %s' % ( serverIP, port ) )
time = 0
result = runCmd( cmd )
while 'Connected' not in result:
if 'No route' in result:
rtable = runCmd( 'route' )
error( 'no route to %s:\n%s' % ( server, rtable ) )
return False
if timeout and time >= timeout:
error( 'could not connect to %s on port %d\n' % ( server, port ) )
return False
debug( 'waiting for', server, 'to listen on port', port, '\n' )
info( '.' )
sleep( .5 )
time += .5
result = runCmd( cmd )
return True
def unitScale( num, prefix='' ):
"Return unit scale prefix and factor"
scale = 'kMGTP'
if prefix:
pos = scale.lower().index( prefix.lower() )
return prefix, float( 10**(3*(pos+1)) )
num, prefix, factor = float( num ), '', 1
for i, c in enumerate(scale, start=1):
f = 10**(3*i)
if num < f:
prefix, factor = c, f
return prefix, float( factor )
def fmtBps( bps, prefix='', fmt='%.1f %sbits/sec' ):
"""Return bps as iperf-style formatted rate string
prefix: lock to specific prefix (k, M, G, ...)
fmt: default format string for bps, prefix"""
bps = float( bps )
prefix, factor = unitScale( bps, prefix )
bps /= factor
return fmt % ( bps, prefix)

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
from time import sleep
from mininet.cli import CLI
from import Mininet
from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
from import TCLink
from project.node import BATMANRouter, LinuxRouter, OLSRRouter
from project.topo import GraphmlTopo
def monitor_test(net):
for host in net.hosts:
for host in net.hosts:
host.cmd('kill %bash')
def do_enable_olsrd(self, line):
net =
def enable_olsrd(net):
for host in net.hosts:
host.cmd('olsrd -i ' + ' '.join(host.intfNames()))
hosts = {'linuxrouter': LinuxRouter, 'olsrrouter': OLSRRouter, 'batmanrouter': BATMANRouter}
topos = {'gmltopo': GraphmlTopo}
CLI.do_enable_olsrd = do_enable_olsrd
def perfTest():
topo = GraphmlTopo(filename='rural-gephi.graphml')
net = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink, host=LinuxRouter)
info("Dumping host connections\n")
info("monitoring routing tables")
info("Dumping host connections\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Prevent test_simpleperf from failing due to packet loss

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
from mininet.node import Node
class LinuxRouter(Node):
def config(self, **params):
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1')
def terminate(self):
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0')
super(LinuxRouter, self).terminate()
class OLSRRouter(LinuxRouter):
def config(self, **params):
super(OLSRRouter, self).config(**params)
self.servicePid = self.cmd('olsrd -nofork -i ' + ' '.join(self.intfNames()) + ' >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!')
def terminate(self):
self.cmd('kill ', self.servicePid)
super(OLSRRouter, self).terminate()
class BATMANRouter(LinuxRouter):
def config(self, **params):
super(BATMANRouter, self).config(**params)
self.servicePid = self.cmd('batmand ' + ' '.join(self.intfNames()) + '& echo $!')
def terminate(self):
self.cmd('kill ' + self.servicePid)
super(BATMANRouter, self).terminate()

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import argv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from mininet.topo import Topo
from import TCLink
# It would be nice if we didn't have to do this:
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
class GraphmlTopo(Topo):
def build(self, filename='topology.graphml'):
positions = dict()
graph = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
except Exception as error:
print('oops: ', error)
for node in graph.iter('{}node'):
node_id = int(node.get('id')) + 1
privateDirs = ['/var/log','/var/run']
self.addHost('h%i' % node_id, privateDirs=privateDirs) #,
x_pos = node.find('.//data[@key="x"]')
y_pos = node.find('.//data[@key="y"]')
positions[node_id] = (x_pos, y_pos)
for link in graph.iter('{}edge'):
link_id = int(link.get('id')) + 1
source = int(link.get('source')) + 1
target = int(link.get('target')) + 1
intfName_s, addr1, params_s = self.format_intf_params(link_id, source)
intfName_t, addr2, params_t = self.format_intf_params(link_id, target)
linkopts = dict() # dict(bw=10, delay='5ms', loss=20, max_queue_size=1000, use_htb=True)
# to implement a function which from nodes positions return linkopts
self.addLink('h%i' % source, 'h%i' % target, key=link_id, cls=TCLink,
intfName1=intfName_s, addr1=addr1, params1=params_s,
intfName2=intfName_t, addr2=addr2 ,params2=params_t,
def format_intf_params(self, link_id, node_id):
intf_name = 'h%i-eth%i' % (node_id, link_id)
addr = '00:00:00:00:%02i:%02i' % (link_id, node_id)
ip = '10.0.%i.%i/24' % (link_id, node_id)
params = {'ip': ip}
return intf_name, addr, params

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
name="$(ifconfig | awk -F- '$2 ~ /eth/ { print $1; exit;}')"
echo > "$log_path"
function parse_diff () {
str=$(echo "$1" | sed '1,5d')
add_line=$(echo "$str" | grep -E '^\+')
rem_line=$(echo "$str" | grep -E '^-')
[ -n "$rem_line" ] && log "$(echo "$rem_line" | cut -c 2-)" "del:"
[ -n "$add_line" ] && log "$(echo "$add_line" | cut -c 2-)" "add:"
function log () {
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo -e "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")\t$2\t$line" >> ${log_path}
done <<< "$1"
curr=$(route -n)
atstart="$(echo "$curr" | sed '1,2d')"
log "$atstart" "add:"
while true;
curr=$(route -n)
diff_out=$(diff -u <(echo "$prev") <(echo "$curr"))
[ $? -eq 0 ] || parse_diff "$diff_out"

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from math import sqrt
import os
from signal import SIGINT
from time import sleep
from mininet.cli import CLI
from import Mininet
from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections, moveIntf, pmonitor
from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
from import TCLink
from mininet.node import Node
from sys import argv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from mininet.topo import Topo
from import TCLink
# It would be nice if we didn't have to do this:
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
class GraphmlTopo(Topo):
ip_counter = (0,1)
def increment_ip_counter(self):
b3, b4 = GraphmlTopo.ip_counter
if b4 < 254:
b4 += 1
b3 += 1
b4 = 1
GraphmlTopo.ip_counter = b3, b4
def build(self, filename='topology.graphml', subnet=True):
positions = dict()
graph = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
except Exception as error:
print('oops: ', error)
for node in graph.iter('{}node'):
node_id = int(node.get('id')) + 1
privateDirs = ['/var/log','/var/run']
self.addHost('h%i' % node_id, privateDirs=privateDirs) #,
x_pos = node.find('.//data[@key="x"]')
y_pos = node.find('.//data[@key="y"]')
positions[node_id] = (x_pos, y_pos)
for link in graph.iter('{}edge'):
link_id = int(link.get('id')) + 1
source = int(link.get('source')) + 1
target = int(link.get('target')) + 1
if subnet:
intfName_s, addr1, params_s = self.format_intf_params(link_id, source)
intfName_t, addr2, params_t = self.format_intf_params(link_id, target)
intfName_s, addr1, params_s = self.format_intf_params_incremental(source, 16)
intfName_t, addr2, params_t = self.format_intf_params_incremental(target, 16)
linkopts = dict() # dict(bw=10, delay='5ms', loss=20, max_queue_size=1000, use_htb=True)
# to implement a function which from nodes positions return linkopts
self.addLink('h%i' % source, 'h%i' % target, key=link_id, cls=TCLink,
intfName1=intfName_s, addr1=addr1, params1=params_s,
intfName2=intfName_t, addr2=addr2 ,params2=params_t,
def format_intf_params_incremental(self, node_id, subnet_mask_cidr):
b3, b4 = GraphmlTopo.ip_counter
addr = '00:00:00:00:00:%02i' % (node_id)
params = {'ip': '10.0.%i.%i/%i' % (b3, b4, subnet_mask_cidr)}
return None, addr, params
def format_intf_params(self, link_id, node_id):
intf_name = 'h%i-eth%i' % (node_id, link_id)
addr = '00:00:00:00:%02i:%02i' % (link_id, node_id)
ip = '10.0.%i.%i/24' % (link_id, node_id)
params = {'ip': ip}
return intf_name, addr, params
def calculate_link_params(pos_1, pos_2, x=2):
distance = sqrt((pos_1['x'] + pos_2['x'])^2 - (pos_1['y'] + pos_2['y'])^2)
Tx_W = 2
Rx_W = 2
class LinuxRouter(Node):
def config(self, **params):
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1')
def terminate(self):
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0')
super(LinuxRouter, self).terminate()
def startRTMonitor(self):
self.popenRTMonitor = self.popen('bash')
def stopRTMonitor(self):
class OLSRRouter(LinuxRouter):
def config(self, **params):
super(OLSRRouter, self).config(**params)
self.popenOLSR = self.popen('olsrd', '-nofork' , '-i', *self.intfNames())
def terminate(self):
super(OLSRRouter, self).terminate()
class OLSRRouterMonitored(OLSRRouter):
def config(self, **params):
super(OLSRRouterMonitored, self).config(**params)
def terminate(self):
if self.popenRTMonitor:
super(OLSRRouterMonitored, self).terminate()
class BATMANDRouter(LinuxRouter):
def config(self, **params):
super(BATMANDRouter, self).config(**params)
batman_param=[]#sum([['-a', i.IP()+'/32'] for i in self.intfList()],[])
self.cmd('batmand', *batman_param)
def terminate(self):
# self.popenBATMAND.send_signal(SIGINT)
# self.popenBATMAND.wait()
super(BATMANDRouter, self).terminate()
class BATMANDRouterMonitored(BATMANDRouter):
def config(self, **params):
super(BATMANDRouterMonitored, self).config(**params)
def terminate(self):
if self.popenRTMonitor:
super(BATMANDRouterMonitored, self).terminate()
class BATMANADVRouter(LinuxRouter):
def config(self, **params):
super(BATMANADVRouter, self).config(**params)
if self.cmd('lsmod', '|', 'grep', '-q', 'batman') is not 0:
self.cmd('modprobe', 'batman-adv')
self.batman_intf = '%s-bat0' %
for intf in self.intfNames():
self.cmd('batctl', '-m', self.batman_intf, 'if', 'add', intf)
moveIntf(self.batman_intf, self)
id = int([1:])
self.cmd('ip', 'address', 'add', '192.168.123.%i/24' % id, 'dev', self.batman_intf)
self.cmd('ip', 'link', 'set', 'up', 'dev', self.batman_intf)
def terminate(self):
self.cmd('batctl', '-m', self.batman_intf, 'if', 'destroy')
super(BATMANADVRouter, self).terminate()
def routing_table_monitor_test(net):
info("monitoring routing tables\n")
while (net.pingAll() != 0):
info("routing tables converged\n")
log("stop link h1-h14")
disable_link(net['h1'], net['h14'])
# sleep(60)
# for host in net.hosts:
# host.cmd('kill %bash')
def log(event):
os.system('echo "{}:\t\t$(date +"%T %N")" >> logs/global.log'.format(event))
def do_disable_link(self, line):
net =
h1, h2 = line.split(" ")
disable_link(net[h1], net[h2])
def disable_link(host1, host2):
intf1, intf2 = host1.connectionsTo(host2)[0]
host1.cmd('iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source', intf2.MAC(), '-j DROP')
def do_enable_olsrd(self, line):
net =
def enable_olsrd(net):
for host in net.hosts:
host.cmd('olsrd -i ' + ' '.join(host.intfNames()))
hosts = {'linuxrouter': LinuxRouter,
'olsrrouter': OLSRRouter,
'batmanadvrouter': BATMANADVRouter,
'batmandrouter': BATMANDRouter}
topos = {'gmltopo': GraphmlTopo}
CLI.do_enable_olsrd = do_enable_olsrd
CLI.do_disable_link = do_disable_link
def perfTest():
topo = GraphmlTopo(filename='rural2.graphml')
net = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink, host=OLSRRouterMonitored)
info("Dumping host connections\n")
def perfTestBatman():
topo = GraphmlTopo(filename='rural2.graphml', subnet=False)
net = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink, host=BATMANDRouterMonitored)
info("Dumping host connections\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Prevent test_simpleperf from failing due to packet loss